
Is South Africa the next Zimbabwe?

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The recent African summit must cause terrible fears not only for Zimbabwe but for the whole of Southern Africa, particularly for South Africa which appears to showing the same symptoms that all the other black African countries showed before going to the dogs.




  1. dont know, love south africa , hope not .

  2. I know Sa very well but Stephen H says it all

  3. YES, but the weather is still going to be LEKKER!

  4. It appears that S. Africa is in the process of removing the land from the white land ownres just as Zimbabwe did.

    The problem with doing this, as Zimbabwe has found out, is that the black farmers tend to sit on their land and do very little.

    Oh they may plant a few corn seeds, yet they do not have the vision or education to forsee problems with their crops and take corrective measure.

    Instead, they sit and wait and see what happen.

    Many people claim that the black man in SA has been deprived of everything for years and years, I live there for some time and had many black acquaintances who did not want to be ruled by a black government.

    Under the white government they had work if they wanted it (albeit poorly paid) and they managed to clothe and feed their families.

    Many of the black families were supplied with electricity but refused to pay their bills.

    When they were cut off, they then started to wire their houses up to the local lamp posts. The papers were full of people who had done this and been electrocuted in the process.

    Mandella left prison with the promise of jobs and houses for everyone. He soon disappeared into the twilight when he realised these promises were impossible to fullfil.

    So in an effort to temper the anger of the South African black who feels that the ANC have failed in their promises, the SA government have turned to ripping the land away from the people who actually know how to manage it.

    Time will tell, but I do have the feeling that South Africa will have another uprising which does not involve the white man and will probaly lead to civil war.

    There has never been a successful hand over of a country to a black controlled government. It look obvious that there never will be.

  5. Globalization a la Washington Consensus.

    Human Right To Peace Human right to own the planet and conserve natural resources could help if put in world constitutions.

  6. yeah, it went downhill ages ago.

  7. Yes!

  8. Yep, I'm afraid it is. My Son-in-law is South African, and he went back for a visit in January. I was scared for the safety of him, and my Daughter. They both said it is a beautiful, but bad place to be right now.

    Sadly, the Blacks don't do a good job of governing their Countries. My Son-in law's family are White landowners, who have been trying for years to give decent employment to poor Black people. Sadly, they don't seem interested in earning a decent day's pay, for a decent day's work, they just seem hellbent on taking things for nothing, and prefer to sit around doing nothing for themselves.

    Just out of interest, I noticed (again) the lack of Black participents in the London Marathon, as I watched it on the T.V. today. I first noticed this when I took part myself 4 years ago, to raise money for street kids in Africa. Are there no worthwhile charities Black people could be doing something for, like sickle cell anaemia, or A.I.D.S. awareness????

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