
Is Soviet Union coming back ? Putin is not like the past leaders, he may move to achieve.?

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Is Soviet Union coming back ? Putin is not like the past leaders, he may move to achieve.?




  1. Maybe. Under Putin (who is still running the show) Russia is leaning towards autocratic leadership and away from democracy.

    With the wealth and power that Russia's oil reserves command, they could regain their old position as a superpower. I think that the US still has an advantage in regard to conventional weapons/forces at present.

  2. I doubt Putin, or most other Russians, believe a new "Soviet Union" is a real possibility.  The Leninist - Marxist brand of communism is not likely to gain a strong enough foothold in the popular mind to re-emerge as the ideological base, but I believe a new brand of democratic socialism will evolve in Russia over the next generation.  Russians are not like North Americans or most other Europeans.  They have a deeper respect for authority but also a streak of independence that has developed over decades of harsh rule.  I don't see them embracing enfettered and rampant capitalism or iron fisted authoritarian rule.  Putin is popular now because is seen as a strong ruler and one that will look out for Russian interests.  Actually, when compared to most Western leaders, like Bush, Brown, Merkel, Harper, etc. he is stronger, more decisive, and is admired more by his constituents than any of them  But reclaiming the old empire is not likely to happen.  The Russians would have a multi - front war on its hands if it tried to take back the Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Uzbekistan, etc.  And trying to reclaim Poland and Hungary, etc. would only lead to widespread insurrection supported by the West. I see a stronger and more influential Russian than we have witnessed over the past 15 years.  They have both the right and the power to protect their borders and take an active role in the relations with their neighbours.  I see Putin and his PM taking the U.S. and Britain's warnings with a grain of salt.  They are demanding a pullout of Russian troops and a stop to the meddling in Georgia's affairs, but how can the West, especially the U.S. and Britain, demand anything of Russia, when they themselves occupy other lands and have tens of thousands of troops deployed in a continent thousands of miles away.  Russia is back.  It won't be as big and it won't be as bad, but it will be a middle power that, like it or not, must be listened to.  

  3. No. When the Soviet Union collapsed, most of the communism world went along with it.

    When Castro dies, communism will be almost wiped out. It will never be reborn. We are just waiting for the remnants to die out.

  4. Very doubtful.  Many of the Republics that made up the former USSR are too pro west to get back with Russia.  Ukraine, Georgia and several other former Republics are seeking entrance into NATO inorder to ensure their freedom from Russia.

    Putin wants to see Russia return to its "glory" years.  However if you get a chance to talk to immegrants from the former Soviet Union you will learn like sucked there.  The USSR spend a lot of their money on the military to keep pace with the USA, which led to their eventual collapse.

    However Russia may try to "influence" its former Soviet Republics from seeking NATO membership such as the case with Georgia.  

  5. I think that is Putin's desire but they won't be the power they once were, there is no way Russia would be able to reconquer all of the countries that broke apart from them when the USSR and communism fell.

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