
Is Spike Lee still relevant to race relations today?

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Is Spike Lee still relevant to race relations today?




  1. Nope.....Cricket is passe

  2. Only on the sidelines


  3. Is he still producing anything?  I mean, sure you could look at the old stuff, and it is still relevant in that racism still exists.  However, my issue is that for the most part, it only focuses on the black vs white issue.  In the southwest and on the west coast, there's also anti-latino and anti-asian racism.  There is also an alarming rise in anti-arab anti-muslim sentiment as well.

  4. Spike that a martial arts guy?  Wait, that's Jet Li.  Huh, I'm confused.

  5. who said he was before but did he not make a douc. on Katrina and the 4 blacks girls who died 44 years ago in Bomingham Alabama

  6. Spike Lee (or any other celebrity) is only relevant to any issue if other people deliberately choose to pattern their thoughts after what Spike Lee has said/produced/represented.  To the extent that anyone has, he is relevant, but I think that is a very marginal percentage.  So-called "race relations" are, as always, dependant on average people making choices for themselves based on their own experiences.  Any change brought about by a movie is most likely going to be superficial and very short term.

    But, for the bigger picture, it really doesn't matter.  If we stop hating each other because of the color of our skin or ethnicity, we'll find other reasons to hate each other.  It's what we do as a species.

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