
Is Starbucks still cool?

by Guest59746  |  earlier

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i didn't think it was, but i was having a conversation about it with my friends, and they seem to think it still is.

i'm not asking so much about if you like Starbucks or not, just weather you think it is still trendy. Answer any way you want though! thanks!!




  1. Starbucks is the best coffee establishment ever made, it is indeed trendy and very cool, i should know i work there, we take time in making the frapps that everyone loves, as well as coffee. You can sit, relax, talk, laugh, and just have fun while drinking coffee. By the way you should definitely  try the Cinnamon Dolce Creme frap, its the best ever it tastes like french toast. Its very trendy.

  2. i practicly liv at starbucks its totally awesome enstiens&planet smoothie r good too tho

  3. It all depends on location and age group. Starbucks is thriving so I guess a lot of people think it is cool.

  4. I have never gone to "hang out" there,but d**n I LOVE thoe frappucinos!!

  5. yea still is

  6. When was Starbucks cool?

  7. yes they did that meeting where they trained all the mployees and then that were good at makin all the drinks now.  now u there frappacinos taste leik crackaccinos.  isnt teh crack cool amongst all teh kids?  how is that not cool?

  8. I think it is and that's all that matters. :)

  9. Starbucks is cool.

    frappuccinos are lush<3

  10. Starbucks was never cool

  11. No.  It is so 2007.

  12. OF COURSE!!!!! Why NOT

  13. perhaps fritalian

  14. depends are ypu a sheep, if so then yes i would say its "cool" but if not then its just anuther globle berista trying to make you think its cool and that you are not "in" if you do not like them, personely i think it tasts nasty and it over priced

  15. I love starbucks. I wanted to work there but i got paid more for breathing. haha

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