
Is Stephenie Meyer as good as Anne Rice?

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Since I believe Meyer is absolutely out of her league, I just wanted to know what you guys think.




  1. No she isn't.


  2. they are on different ends of the vampire scales, so its hard to say which one is better. i like both of them but would have to say i like anne rice better, just because she has a little darker feel to her books.

  3. I find it very hard to believe that you are trying to compare Meyer to Anne Rice.  Meyer is nothing compared to Anne Rice.  She doesn't know how to write.  The fact that she managed to become popular doesn't put her at the same level of Anne Rice.

  4. Not at all,

    Stephenie Meyer is probably one of the worst authors I have ever come across,

    her flow isn't a flow at all,

    it's jagged bits of a story glued together with awful characters,

    one being this perfect little thing, and the rest fitting into recycled character molds.

    I'm appalled someone would compare the two.

    Her general plot was awful, and

    she glued the story together with bits and peices of text.

    It was a disgusting excuse for a book.

    Every piece of good that came out of it,

    was a rip off of something Anne Rice wrote.

    Anne Rice is by far superior,

    her well written intricate character's and story lines

    have made her a house hold name,

    and a legend amongst not only horror and historical fiction writers,

    but writers in general.

    Stephenie Meyer is a two bit, awful writer for children who don't know better.

    Anne Rice is a legend.

    For the record,

    If it wasn't obvious,

    I was referring to Twilight,

    and the entire series,

    her only decent selling novel series,

    While Anne Rice has dozens.


    I agree,

    I think she's only comparing them because they both include Vampires in their stories.

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