
Is Stephenie Meyer just putting a hold on finishing "Midnight Sun" or is she never finishing it?

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Is Stephenie Meyer just putting a hold on finishing "Midnight Sun" or is she never finishing it?




  1. She put it on hold indefinitely, which basically means, "until she feels like writing again". I think she will, though. She can't make any money not writing it, now, can she?


  2. it should be coming out soon as in the twilight special edition it has the first chapter of midnight sun.

  3. she confushed me i just read it on her website that she was holding on to it like indefindinaltely or somthing like that i dunno though  

  4. She better finish it or else angry girls all across america are going to show up at her doorstep with pitchforks and torches. jkjk

    but seriously. i hope she does publish it because it has always been her dream since twilight came out, and it would be depressing tonot see that happen

    plus, if she does publish it it will mean big bucks for her and her literary company

    but I AM SO ANGRY AT THE LeAKER! I JUST WANT TO ..........UGH!  

  5. she may or may not as said before. i hope she does finish it though :[

  6. She put it on hold indefinetely.

    She will never finish it.

    Depressing, right?!

  7. hopefully never.

  8. On her website she says MS is shelved "indefinitely". Indefinitely means "an undefined period of time" in the context that she is using it. Come on, people, indefinite is not that hard of a word.

    Basically, she may write it, she may not. It's "undefined". She may start writing it again in two weeks, or maybe in a year, or maybe not ever. She doesn't even know herself if she will finish it. It's "undefined".

  9. I'm hoping that the book will be finished eventually. But she very well might scrap the project [in which case I would definitely cry]. It's too bad that people can't just have respect, and have to go around ruining things for the rest of us. Hopefully when Stephenie isn't in a place where James would win and the Cullens would all die she'll start writing again.

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