
Is Stephenie Meyer really writing a book about time travelling mermaids?

by Guest10851  |  earlier

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So I was on, looking around on the forums in the BD section, and I found someone say that she was writing a book about time travelling mermaids next. Is that true? And are you serious? If it is true, could someone give me a link or something so I can see her say it for myself?

If you're interested, this is where I found it:

I think it's the 13th one down. These guys are hilarious.

She's so ridiculous... Meyer, I mean...




  1. shes so lame.  

  2. I sure hope so lmfao.

  3. It may just be a rumor, but I wouldn't put it past the person who suddenly, in the middle of her series about sparkly vampires, decided to write a random book about angsty alien bodysnatchers...

  4. i don't think so. try this

  5. That is the rumour... she is rather ridiculous, but I'm sure the time-traveling mermaids in the lake near her house told her to write about them just like the werewolf/shapeshifters wanted to be in the book, so she couldn't possibly say no.

  6. Time traveling mermaids?

    that's weird

  7. lmfao!!

    i guess this qualifies as her next 'forbidden love' c**p.

    oh the realms of stupidity meyer can delve in2...


  8. I wouldn't put it past Stephenie Meyer to write a book that ridiculous. I also wouldn't put it past her fans to buy it.

    Hilarious link, by the way.

  9. Mermaids? Sounds like a p*****n girl book xD...mermaids...

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