
Is Steve McMahon right..... ?

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Quote.... "Manchester Utd defend well, to win games." Liverpool defend very well, not to lose games."

If so, shouldn't the extra attacking options we have this season, see us close the 11 point gap?




  1. I don't really think you have many options in the striking department besides Torres. God forbid he gets injured, or else.

  2. I have never heard that before! And there is a nice bit of truth to it! Looking at last season alone, Liverpool drew far too many games when United won! So for the 3pts Utd got Liverpool would only get the 1! It didn't happen al the time obviously but it happened enough! I just think that if both teams were 1-0 up in a game, Liverpool would be more inclined to hold on to what they have and try and nick another! With Utd I think they would be more inclined to try and push on and get a 2nd as quick as possible and put the game to bed!

  3. good old steve is spot on,

    and anyway take ronaldo out of man u and they stink in the striking departments

  4. Ah, if only football was so simple! So many other factors effecting it, but I've done my very best to add everything up and I believe the title is within our reach! Depends on so many things though...

  5. Yes - he's right, Man Utd grind out results and so do even Arsenal but Liverpool draw too many games - that's why they can't cut it.

  6. Yep fully agree with that statement and that's why I think Liverpool seem to only be a truly great team when there backed against a wall.  

  7. I hope we can close but i think we need a winger desperatly  

  8. Yes, but the team need time to gel as a unit, continually rotating the squad isn't working  

  9. wanna know what will close the gap?

    Keane and Torres playing as dedicated strikers supported by Gerrard who should be a Centre attacking rather than holding the midfield and this will allow him to be able to strike from outside the box more often which he likes.

  10. he makes a good point, but if the keane/torres partnership clicks lfc will make up a lot more than 11pts defecit. lfc are my tip for the title this year.

  11. I just don't see Liverpool winning the League this year even with the signing of Keane, being honest I think United are better in every department, they just have a lot more quality than Liverpool especially in the attacking department, Liverpool could well close the gap of 11 points but I just don't think they will win the League.

  12. A little spider just came running out from under my keyboard towards my mouse, I hope he is ok! huh, what was the question, I got distracted, sorry.

  13. Yes i would agree with that, although on last nights performance our extra attacking options didnt look great

  14. That is true, and as Linzi just said thats how Arsenal are as well, once they go ahead, the game turns aound to be a defensive game.

    As for your season ... lets see, because you may have the extra attackers, but can they work well together with the rest of the team to get the results needed .. the wins?

    its going to be an interesting first few games to the 08/09 season, for all the top four teams .... i cant wait!

  15. Well, what chances have you got when your 46 million pound strike-force can't get past some Belgian Jupiler League defence???

  16. Keane is a decent mid-table striker, and that's the problem

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