
Is Strategic Phrasing More Manipulative than Helpful?

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People watch national conventions to get more informed on the issues.

McCain said: "She's been governor of our largest state, in charge of 20 percent of America's energy supply ... She's responsible for 20 percent of the nation's energy supply. I'm entertained by the comparison and I hope we can keep making that comparison that running a political campaign is somehow comparable to being the executive of the largest state in America."

But Sarah Palin as governor really has no control over oil production, so she can't take credit for that. The only real thing she can do is tax oil.

And claiming that Alaska is the largest state is misleading; it's the 4th smallest state in terms of population.

So what are your thoughts? Is it thoughtful to use misleading information to sway Americans, or do the Americans who are still unsure of where they stand this late in the game deserve to be swayed?




  1. First you are clueless.  The thing Russia now most regrets after having ceded Alaska to the United States is its natural resources.  The largest acreage in natural resources we have for anything.  New York and Los Angeles can brag all they want about population but they contribute zero in natural resources.  Anybody doing anything in NY or LA could do the same thing anywhere else but producing natural resources they do nothing.  The requirements for president and vice president are spelled out in article 2 of the constitution.  Even so you wouldn't elect a C student who just graduated from high school.  When you choose a commander in chief the last guy on the list is the one who wants to surrender.  Our first commander in chief was the highest ranking general in the nation.  Fancy that.

  2. Okay, so what state did Obama and Biden govern?  Oh, yeah...they didn't.  Sorry, nice try.

  3. yes its to trick people into thinking that she is more experienced and better than she really is

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