
Is Stuttgart, Germany a good place to live?

by Guest33540  |  earlier

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Im moving to Stuttgart, so I´d like to know more about it. Food, climate, how expensive it is.




  1. I lived in Stuttgart as a student in 2003-2004. The climate is pretty similar to New England (where I'm from), I guess slightly less cold in winter. Do you speak German? Knowing the language well makes things easier, but you'll have to get acclimated to hearing the Schwaebisch dialect. One problem with Stuttgart that I found is that the Schwaben are less friendly than people in other regions. It definitely takes effort to make new friends.

    Much of the food and shopping is on one big strip that starts across from the main train station -- Koenigstrasse. It's a good 20 minute walk from one end to the other, and there are also streets branching off from this one with shops and restaurants.

    Groceries are dirt cheap in Germany in comparison to the US, so you don't have to worry there.

    Where are you going to live? On the US base or actually in the city? I can edit this and add more details about living if you tell me where.

  2. Lived in Frankfurt, GE for 14 years, 1974 thru 1988.  When I got there, the DM was 4DM = $1.00.  When I left in 88, it was about DM1.35 = $1.00.  Now, with the Euro, have not kept up with the rates, but if the Euro/$ are sensible, would be OK to live there.  If you are in the military, you will have the exchange and commissary to buy from at reduced prices, and no taxes to pay.  If you live off base, you will be able to get your elec and gas at a reduced rate, also (no MWST)(Taxes).  If you are not in the Military, you will have a tough time finding a job do to the large number of foreign nationals who get the jobs the Germans don't want.  And, unless you speak the language, you are really going to have a tough time.  I enjoyed my years in Europe and wouldn't trade it for anything. (Food: weighed 119 when I went there, came back at 188;  loved the food and wine and beer.)

    good luck, Bob D.

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