
Is Sue Thomas FB Eye filmed in Canada. Some of the actors are Canadian.?

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Is Sue Thomas FB Eye filmed in Canada. Some of the actors are Canadian.?




  1. Yes this program is shot in Toronto.

    I don't watch it, but in order to get reduced Canadian tax rates , the production company has to hire a certain  number of both actors and crew members who are Canadian citizens. This  protects our own people, so they are employed  in   Canada.

    Directors and Producers, actors and technicians from any other country, who want to work in Canada, have to apply for a Temporary Work Permit, from the Government of Canada. Permits are usually for six months only, and at the end of shooting, they have to leave Canada.

    Toronto had seven movie studios, and we make more films and TV shows here than in any other city, except Hollywood .  About 25,000 people in Toronto work full time in TV or motion pictures. That is why we are known as  " Hollywood North "

    Jim B Toronto.

  2. Vancouver was originally known as Hollywood North though now that term is being applied to Canada generally. Vancouver is the third largest film and TV production centre in North America, after Los Angeles

  3. yes, that's what IMDB says.

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