
Is Superbad alright for my 9 year old to watch?

by  |  earlier

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I just want to know.




  1. Absolutely not!!  Superbad has material that is not well suited for young children.  There is  sexual content, alcohol use, and lots of foul language that you don't want your child see or hear.  Find some good animated pg movies. young kids usually love those.

  2. no their is language and things that in my opinion not even a young teen to see i am not even allowed to see it and im older than 9

  3. i wouldnt advice for your 9 year old to watch. i personally love that movie but your 9yr old probably wouldnt understand whats goin on. i know my mom wouldnt mind me watchin it when i was 9 but everybody is different. if your 9 year old can watch it without acting immature throughout the whole thing then sure why not but you just dont want them to think that its okay to drink nd have s*x. you have to explain that the movie is just a movie nd that you should not repeat what they have done.

  4. my daughter watches it....

  5. It's about two guys who try to get girls drunk in order to have s*x with them, which in the real world is called 'date rape'. Does that answer your question?

  6.'s rated R for a reason...people under 17 aren't admitted without a parent...

  7. oh no no no. I mean, i love that movie but I can appreciate and understand its humor.

    but its filled with tons of sexual material. i mean, its a movie about two guys getting laid. theres drinking, drugs, swearing, and alot of sexual language. plus theres p**n.

    your 9 year old is a child and should not be subjected to that type of material

  8. It all depends how you as a father view life some would say no some would say yes really depends on you're relation ship with you're son and how you teach him about whats wright in life.

    Life it self is hard to learn and one mite say that every thing that happens to use happens for some strange reason ,but yet some times we as people really mold our self's bye what decision we make.

    So if we make the wrong one it will effect use in some weired way yet we have the power to not let it control use.

    But this comes with time and mistakes you got to ask you're self weather the things you learned will help you're kid or mislead him in his journey though life.

  9. Um, NO

  10. I would not do it ,it is really funny but deff. for like atleast 16 and up to much sexual humor and language and nudity and all that stuff but you know you are the parent so i will leave that decision up to you!(:

  11. i wouldnt

  12. no its not. Its a crappy movie anyway

  13. Ummm, I wouldn't let them if they were my kid!! That movie was very perverted, not to mention stupid!!

  14. No way! I think a child should be atleast 13, 15 or 16 is even better. The whole movies about getting laid/drunk, why does a 9 year old need to watch a movie about that?!

  15. NO that movie sucked, it was retarded, I would have demanded my money back except it was given to me as a gift. The material in there is waaay to much for a kid, 9 or 11. Unless you want your kid talking the way those people in the movie do at such a young age.

  16. No.  If you still want to consider letting him/her watch it though, then you should watch it for yourself and decide if its something you are comfortable letting him/her see.  Its not appropriate for a 9 year old in my opinion.


  18. no way!

  19. it's rated R for a reason honey. No 9 year old should be watching PG-13 movies, let alone R rated. Set some boundaries and stick to them!

  20. Capital N-O

    Is is why I see 9-year olds that know as much about s*x as I do!!

  21. if u want your kid to learn about s*x at this age let him watch it it my opinion no

  22. no

  23. I have never seen it but someone told me about it I would have to say no way!

  24. no way, especially if its the uncut version, i would wait another 5 years

  25. sorry but r u fuc*** stupid its really funny but not for kids110% no no no no no no no no no no no no no no  no no no no no no no

  26. To be blunt, absolutely not. There are extreme sexual scenes, including a scene where two "lovers" are having intercourse and the male says "Oh my God it's in!

                                    "Well, hello?! Start moving!"

    Yeah, definately a no if you are a good parent.

  27. I saw it and im ten it really matters how mature you're child is.

  28. Yes it is a funny movie


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