
Is Surfing scary?

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I really want to try sometime but i was thinking it would be really creepy to fall off and be out in the water by your self?




  1. sometimes its terrifying

  2. I am not scared to surf because I don't care if I die, to be blunt.  However, I think there is always a minute amount of "fear" every surfer has in them. This is called respect. One must have a respect for the water to be able to surf in it.

  3. Well first off if you are not a very competent surfer then you should never surf alone. Remember your board is attached to your ankle so when you fall off you can quickly recover. If you are a reasonable swimmer the chances of drowning are slim. Keep a level of fitness as the ocean is not the same as a football field or running track, if you exhaust yourself in the sea you can be in big trouble, you cant just stop. When you wipeout just go with the flow, become a ragdoll, dont fight the wave. When it's ready it will let you surface, it is pointless fighting it and panicking only exhausts you needlessly. Remember this, unless yo are surfing 40ft+ the holdown will never drown you. Surfing is a magical experience dude, get out there and get some.

  4. Surfing is an ocean sport, to do it right, you have to be at home in the ocean, with its currents, rips, undertows and sometimes big waves. I don't just mean being good at swimming in a pool, the ocean can be very unforgiving. I have seen lots of really good pool swimmers have to get rescued. You have to learn surf etiquette (so the experienced surfers in the line up don't want to drown you), how to paddle and take off on a wave, and how to ride a wave. You can't do that without an ocean.

    Take the time time to learn about the ocean. Go swimming, body surfing and body boarding. When you are really comfortable with it, it's time to start surfing.

    Lessons are usually the best way to start, unless you are an adolescent or young adult with lots of pals who surf who can teach you. Go to a real surf shop. The folks there can hook you up with lessons, and even rent you a board to learn on

    Although I do it all the time, I realize that it is not wise to surf alone. If I do surf alone, I make sure (at minimum) that somebody knows what beach I am at, and what time I will be home. But even alone, it is rarely "scary". If something does go wrong, if you have good enough water skills, you have learned not to panic, and slowly work your way out of the jam. I've survived lots of injuries that way. Caution and respect for the ocean sublimates fear.

  5. If its big, yes, terrifying.....

    And big for you, at first, will be, say 5 feet.

    thats 7-8 foot faces, and the rip is strong.....

    But if you take small steps, you'll be fine and furthermore, you will know joy like you never thought possible.

    You know the myth of heaven, with angels and people flying aimlessly through the clouds?

    Thats what surfing is like on a bad day.

    On a good day it's undescribable.....

  6. no not at all.  unless its big waves. but if your just staring to go one the whitewash you will be fine
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