
Is Sustainable Tourism ever truly achieveable?

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  1. It can be done, and it can be truly achievable, if we contribute good, environmentally-friendly acts on our tourism industry. What I can suggest to achieve sustainable tourism are the following:

    (1) If possible, use public transportation in order to go to the beach, the forest, or national park. If you must drive, leave the car at a town center closest to the park or beach and use public transport (where available) to reach the destination.

    (2) Follow the four (4) R's (not anymore 3): Reduce, Refuse, Reuse, and Recycle. We can reduce the amount of garbage we produce and throw away in the trash bin by keeping fruit and vegetable peels in one plastic bag and use them as compost  (recycling); using environmentally-friendly bags to carry food, drinks, clothes, and other necessities instead of plastic bags (refusing); bringing only what needs to be brought (reducing); and bringing plastic cups and ceramic plates that will be used to serve food and drinks (reuse).

    (3) Go local over going abroad. There are so much more opportunities to visit parks that are closer to your own home than flying away on an airplane to visit a beach that is comparable to your local beach; or to visit a pine cone forest that you can just walk to a redwood grove.

    (4) Prevention is better than repair. It is true that when we hurt our body, we need to cure it to the best we can for medicine. But, when we destroy the environment we are visiting, it may be hard to repair itself from the presence of human wastes (plastics, tin cans, paper plates) because it cannot be absorbed by the soil present. It is better to prevent those situations by bringing in environmentally-friendly products that we can reuse and using less resources that we can actually save for future use.

    When we do all of these, there will be a lot of benefits, from saving the environment from degradation, to saving bucks from being into waste from buying non-environmentally friendly products. We can also reduce the amount of garbage we put in the garbage cans and recycle what we use for something else, like plastic cups for decorations and souvenirs, or vegetable peels for fertilizer.

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