
Is Svensmark's cosmic ray theory moot with increased air pollution?

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When water is bombarded with energetic neutrons, ions are formed. The lifetime of the ions, as measured by fluorescence varies from less than 5 ns for clean water to more than 200 ns for triple distilled water. If there are any charge carriers, any effect from ionizing radiation as proposed by Svensmark is rapidly quenched. Has the conductivity of the atmosphere changed in recent decades and does this explain why Svensmark's cosmic ray hypothesis does not fit the last 20 years well?




  1. In Fluorescence the energy difference between the absorbed and emitted photons ends up as molecular vibrations or heat. Has the climate heated up in the last 20 years? If you look at the heat patterns against cosmic activity they do follow suite. (please ignore GISS and instead look at HadCRUT, RSS and UAH)

    If you use a Jablonski diagram you can see that the Electronic state is highten during the absorbtion of a photon. Relaxation of the excited state to its lowest vibrational level involves the dissipation of energy from the molecule to its surroundings, and thus it cannot occur for isolated molecules. A second type of nonradiative transition is internal conversion (ic), which occurs when a vibrational state of an electronically excited state can couple to a vibrational state of a lower electronic state.

    Since the conductive charge of the atmosphere would have a slight change over the last 20 years the question you are asking is ........ Are there more clouds and storms now than 20 years ago?

  2. There are so many flaws to Svensmark's cosmic ray theory, I devoted a whole section to it in my global warming causes wiki article linked below.  The data just does not support the theory, and it's entirely possible that air pollution is another reason (besides the ones listed in the link below).

  3. The cosmic ray theory fits the temperature very well, even for the last 20 years.

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