
Is Sydneys poster boy Barry Hall now the most suspended player in AFL in their leadership group?

by Guest67023  |  earlier

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If so will he stay on as a leader because after he has served the 7 wk ban he will pass Rhys Jones and Mad dog Muirs record so unless the team is proud of Halls record they need to act like men and do something about him.

Do you think the fans will back them if they do?




  1. In a couple of weeks it will all be forgotten.

    If Staker didn't have a glass jaw then he would only have got a couple of weeks. The problem is Staker is soft - like the rest of the West Coke Eagles.

  2. At a guess .. i'd say yes

  3. Hall has played longer than most of the AFL bad guys so his suspension all time record is no surprise, but I would hope that Sydney fans back their club if the Swans put Hall on notice that he is out for good if this recurs - similar to what Carlton offered Fevola for what is a lesser offence than king hitting a player on the field.

    We could, but for the grace of God, be looking at Staker with a broken neck. AFL is free at the higher levels of serious injury caused by deliberate aggression - let's keep it that way please. Healthy hip n shoulder or shirtfront only.

    And yes, I would say the same if my Bombers wanted to censure one of their own for on-field violence. Though I can't think of one offhand who would do what Barry H did, and I'd have to go back to the 1970s to find one. I'd rather we progressed, wouldn't you?.

  4. Yes, I think he must be the most suspended player.

    I detest that player with such abhorrence that I shudder just to imagine me coming in close proximity to him. As a fan I will be hoping that Sydney lose every time that he may play with them from now on.

  5. If i had my choice he would be suspended, by the shorts from a point post, and have fans throw rotten fruit at him.i

  6. I don't think the fans would back them...they are probably already peeved about the 7 weeks....

    Did you know that Barry Hall is a trained boxer?? I didn't know wonder Staker got a K.O!!!!

    At least the K.O took a bit of focus off WCE's horrible start to the season....

    EDIT: Hey Tishee.......u can't blame Cousins & Mainwairing for ur son learning about drugs...thats just, Cousins isn't a proper drug addict anyway....have you seen a junkie??? They certaintly don't contribute to a Premiership Win thats for sure......

  7. Swans are not a one man team.. Posterboy?

    There are other ways to view this issue..

    Hall made a misjudgement, mistake, we all do..

    He showed leadership skills by admitting his wrong doing, apologising and accepting the consequences..

    If my son admitted he was wrong, apologised and took his punishment quietly, when he's guilty, I'ld be wrapped!

    I'm a fan and if Roos and the boys believe dropping him from the leadership group will accomplish a more positive Swans then so it is.

    I trust they base their decisions on bettering the team, not on scoring media or public brownie points..

    Oh and insighthere, I believe WC gave Cousins several chances before being pressured by the AFL to "to do the right thing"

    And thanks purely to Cousins and Mainwaring my 11yr old son now knows what "ice, crack and" is..

    He's a WC supporter, what a role model Cousins turned out to be..

  8. totaly agree with romper

  9. Probably yes if for no other reason than his age. Hall pines for the day when violence was acceptable in sport. Evidence that he likes hitting people is clear from his background as a boxer. Funny isnt it...Eagles fans turned on their own golden boy because of drugs and yet Sydney elevate their thug to status of legend because of violent acts played out on national television. What a great message for kids!

  10. They will do nothing, he will cop his 7 weeks, and he wont play a few more after that, its a broken wrist, he is a marking forward, it will not be 100% healed after 7, one good crunch and it's gone again.

    Any one ever heard of 'you do the crime, you serve your time' thats what he will do, i haven't heard one bit of whinging or trying to get out of it, from him or sydney.

  11. Yes. He is the type that, after he retires, will probably hang his hat on his many tribunal appearances and try to use this notority to keep him the limelight......and the dollars!

    He will stay as leader because most of the Sydney players and fans will follow the leader like sheep.....

  12. I think he is, but the fact that he will be out for 6 of those weeks recovering from a broken hand means really, is this a 1 week sentence.

    I think his behaviour was discraceful and I believe it really is time for the send off rule in AFL. Mind you his dim witted coach should have done that immediately and kept him off, that would have saved his hand from being broken and then he could really serve 7 weeks!

  13. If he isnt.....he SHOULD BE...!!

  14. If he's the guy who cheap shotted the other player he deserves to be banned.

    If he thinks cold cocking someone when they aren't looking is manly he's got no balls.

    I'd tackle his knees and make sure he limps for life for that move.

    I'm in the states and I saw what he did. Gutless.

    ARF is a neat game. I like the tackling and hard hitting... but on whole is played above board. It isn't a bar room.

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