
Is THICKIES and SCUZZIES obsession with celeb culture, like a cat having its nose rubbed in its own

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike this why so many of them clogging up the compulsory "bore you off of the dole" jobsearch courses, are humiliated by the prospect of having to get a [in comparison] low grade menial job, when compared to the luxurious, exciting celeb lifestyles like the people whose lives they obsess over?

dont you just know they're gonna be fat and on tranquilizers or something much much worse just a few years down the line.

[thickie: the same as a numpty or a dimwit

scuzzy: a grubby looking reprobate who you just KNOW, would steal from you as soon as look at you, and is more than likely taking cheap and nasty drugs--the scuzzball..!]




  1. Do you need a cwuddle?

  2. Take a deep breath....

    Calm down.

  3. Yes, I was about to say go and have a lie down too ! -

  4. Well lets be honest they are never going anywhere anyway so feed em tripe its what they deserve!

  5. youve not had the best of days then?

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