
Is THORPE PARK dangerous? im really scared!?

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Im off to THORPE PARK, surrey, tommorow

but im really nervous, i always get like this about theme park rides - but love them when i go on them!

my worry is - how safe are they?

i get scared that my bar will pop off or something

are the rides maintenanced regularly?




  1. YES  they do get checked or all the rides wiull be broken

  2. Most amusement parks are safe so if somebody dies they would shut down the amusement park anyway.

  3. There would always be the possibility that your bar might pop off but it's extremely unlikely.

    They really are very safe. Unless you deliberately do something stupid while riding, like leaning out or trying to move you bar.

    Sometimes it feels like your bar is about to come off but believe me it never does. I love huge rides and it is the thrill factor that makes it fun.

    Remember-the rides are tested everyday

                       -the thing that holds the bar is locked down

                       -you are more likely to die driving to a theme park than on any of the rides.

    Thorpe Park is great. Have Fun !!

  4. You have more chance of :

    Dying in a Car Crash.

    Winning the Lottery

    Being Shot

    Being Killed by a vending machine.

    Than being killed or seriously injured in a theme park.

  5. It is perfectly safe, the rides are tested at the start and end of every day.

  6. Theme parks in the UK have rigorous checks done to the rides everyday before operations start.

    But in some countries......................



  7. If the bar pops off you won't feel anything, well not for long.

    Its the nerves and the fear of death that makes it fun.

  8. No way, IT IS COMPLETELY SAFE! If not they wouldn't have the park open, they do have health and safety checks. Don't worry about a thing. I have been to Thorpe Park twice now and I went on all of the sacry rides and nothing happened to me and my friends once, touch wood nothing will happen. You are stapped in and buckled up you can't fall out at all and they always check if you are strapped in properly!!!

    You will have a great time just you wait and see and I bet you, you will come to no harm. I used to be scared silly of rides because I used to wonder if I could fall out. But I assure nothing will happen. I love rides now and will go on anything. If you do go to Thorpe Park go on "Stealth". You will come off it screaming with exitement wanting another go!

  9. i went the other day.

    it's great there.

    When i was going on stealth and collossus i was nervous as!

    But when your on it, its amazing!  

    I felt really proud when i came off.

    They are very very very safe.

    When i went, collossus did stop once, and tidal wave did break but thats because it was hailing like h**l!!

    okay, have a good time x

  10. I LUUUUUUV thorpe park and ive been on all the rides loads of times! and i think im still here!

    All large rides are checked evry day and they all have really sturdy resraints too

    so dont worry!

  11. Very few people die every week. If someone dies they close it for a day so it might be shut anyway.

  12. it wouldnt be running if it was :]

  13. thorpe park is fab, it has the best rides at the mo- (rides circulate within the Taussauds group..chessington being one of 'em) anyway, we've been visiting since forever..snd im still breathing. its a load of fun, and face it, if the bar pops off, at least you'll go with a bang! just have fun, nothing to be worried about..millions of visitors go each year, every year.. and all live to tell the tale..(just about)...ha. no, only kidding..with that last bit. have a good 'un.

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