
Is THUNDER fatal?

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  1. No.. but you could lose your hearing if you are too close to it.

  2. No, unless it was so loud that it blows your eardrums, but that wouldn't happen.  Thunder is just a noise.

  3. No.

    Thunder is the sound the lightning makes.

    Just a sound.

  4. Is it thundering where you are too?!?! Lol crazy

  5. No.

  6. Hmmm i wouldn't bet my mortgage on it but i will have to say if the decibels where high enough they could cause harm full vibrations that could shatter your bones or rupture and organ so i would say yes. But you would have to drink some rd bull and get wings and fly right up to a thunder cloud for that to happen.

  7. only if it scares you so bad you have a heat attack

  8. nope

  9. No, not in the sense that you mean.  

    However, I read a story about a man who was working on his car with his body/head underneath the car.  A lightning bolt ahead of an oncoming storm struck about 1/4 mile away and the resulting thunder was so loud it scared him and he kicked the jack out and the car crushed him to death.

  10. Can sound kill you? I don't know.  Maybe if the thunder were so loud it ruptured your ear drums and if ruptured ear drums lead to death, than yes.  Otherwise, no.

  11. No.  Unless it scares you to death, then you could potentially die.  

    So I recommend getting near some pillows or soft blankets, so that if you do get scared and start to faint, you can land on something soft and not crack your head and die, which would be VERY rare!!!

    Good luck!  :-)
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