
Is TKD tha best style for self defense ?

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i take TKD WTF because i want to be able to defend myself,

i take it for self defense, not for tha excersice,

is it tha best style for self defense ?

-i was born nov.12.1989




  1. Boxing.

    In a fight, if you can get in the first hit, and that first hit is HARD, then you are very much likely going to win.

    Most martial arts are good against other practices of the same art, but what use is a good hold or move if one punch brings you down.

    Boxing builds resilience, you'll be able to take a hit, and throw one or two, too.

    Remember, be responsible with fighting. Self defense.

  2. any martial arts is good for self-defense

    but TKD = u learn cool azz kicks and become lighter on ur feet as in b able to do flips and such

    so, b4 a fight sow off some of ur moves

    and it'll intimidate the enemy making em back down haha

    if not, ull still know how to fight :P

  3. no way 2 much range in a REAL scrap ppl rush u and take u down u need KRAV MAGA

  4. The style that teaches you how to avoid dangerous situations is the best for self defense.  You can't get punched in the head if you're across the street, or on another street, or in a completely different part of town.

    BTW, realize that a lot of people here giving advice are not martial artists.  

  5. I agree. it depends on the person who use it, But it depends also which martials arts fits for you best!

    Ive had experience in TKD, KARATE, KICKBOXING, BRAZSILIAN JIUJUTSU; VING/WNG TSUN`/chung, (actually shaolin kung fu including WU SHU), Muay thai /boran while I was in thailand camp! old school boxing. krav maga and last but not least MMA.

    I couldnt tell what was the best, theyre all good, wing tsun, chung and kung fu fighting has an different fighting system, they are more self defense than fighting sports.,jujitsu specialized itself to groundfights, tkd use a lot of different kick they based on fast kicks, even the name are different than in thaiboxing and karate. Karate has an balance of kicks and punches, theyre actually trainging very hard, even in sparring theyre fighting without any protection, so it increased the risk of injury.

    Thaiboxing is an good fighting sport, has elements, of good old school boxing, and kickboxing, what it makes that so special is the fighting with your elbow and knee, in muay boran youre gonna learn the strongest and deathly technique of elbows and knee, but the masters give this knowledge only to their best trustworthily, and most responsble students!! cause its dangerous and if its get to the wrong people, it could cause alota trouble.

    krav maga and wing tsun are both really specialized to real self-defence, for instance, they practise what would somebody do if youre getting choke by somebody else, you see the difference between fightsport and self-Defense!! alota people want to compare each martial arts style, but theres the difference, If a wing tsun guy would go in against an thaiboxing guy, the thaiboxing guy would probably win, it also depends on the skills, but put that this time beside. im talking about fighting in a ring, self defense fights everywhere in a bar, and people are wrong when theyre thinking wing tsun is bad as anything else blabla, it is completely wrong to say this.

    apart of wing tsun, krav maga is used in isreali army, it is quite amazing, its similiar to wing tsun, your gonna learn how to handle if somebody put a gun in your face, and how to solve it.

    last but not least MMA = mixed martial arts, its actually as the name said, its include any martial arts caropeira, jiu jutsu, wrestling, thaiboxing etc. you can use everything you got, really though fightsport which I love!!

    To me I already have 17 years of experience, and Im 22 now, Ive been fighting since I was 5. the first martial arts which I learned was TKD after that came thaiboxing, karate etc.

    all in all I think the best martial arts which fits me is krav maga and thaiboxing ! it is my kind of martial arts, which is very special to me!

    you have to try every martial art to get to know it better, after that you can decide what fits for you! and where you good at it!

  6. it is better than alot of other TKD schools. but it isn't the best. no art is th best.

    an art only lives through it's practitioners. therefore an art is only as good as the one practicing it.


  7. simply put... NO!!!

  8. There is no best style

  9. there is no best style of martial arts different styles are better at different things. also different dojos train differently some do lets of exercise other lots of technique etc. i dont think tae kwon do is the best for self defence but it is definatly a good strikeing martial art and if you learn to punch and kick you can defend yourself. look around at the dojos near you see which one is closest to the sort of self defence you want to learn.

  10. Style doesnt matter its how u use it, sure TDK can help, but u use ur legs alot, people like to charge and u dont want to be on one foot, but if u manage to use ur kicks well u shouldnt have a problem.

    Krav maga seems pretty good w/ guns, they have the best defenses against them. Boxing can teach u the basics, and then theres American kenpo they teach u some nice things aswell, such has vitals and nerves and stuff

  11.   Do your research on these styles and choose 3 or 4 to focus all of your time and energy on.

      No individual style will prepare you for all of the variables in a street fight or from a surprise attack. Generally speaking though, they usually follow the pattern of I. Striking  II. Transition to the ground  III. Ground fighting, so it's important to choose styles that flow and interchange comfortably in your eyes.  I would say that Muay Thai, Judo and Jiu Jitsu complement each other the best, while others would argue that Greco Roman Wrestling, Kickboxing and Jiu Jitsu are the way to go, but it really is up to you what styles feel the most comfortable for you.

    I. Jiu Jitsu

    II. Judo

    III. Wrestling (anything but professional wrestling)

    IV. Kickboxing

    V. Muay Thai

    VI. Krav Maga

  12. NO take karate, kickboxing, or krav maga

    they help you more

    TKD is a kicking style

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