
Is TNT, ABC, and ESPN really that bad?

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Is it really worse than FOX? Because unfortunately I don't know, I don't have cable. :(




  1. FOX is great I always enjoy the season better when they are doing the races.  The other's...not so much.

  2. Fox is by far the best, TNT is okay,, ABC/ESPN are great at other sports but they just do not seem to have it when it comes to Nascar.

    Go Dale Jr & hms

  3. I can't stand Fox personally. DW is just a loud mouth know it all that is really annoying to me. So I couldn't be happier that Fox is done.

  4. They said the ratings were up since FOX started hosting it again. If Rusty Wallace isn't announcing and they bring in Dale Jarrett then ESPN's coverage may be better this year.

    I think the amount of commercials got worse this year with FOX. I hope the commercials with TNT and ESPN is no worse this year than last year. Last year was pretty bad for them.

    I think ABC will do fine,,,depending on who the announcers are.

  5. They are bad compared to Fox.  But at this point, it will be worth putting up with TNT in favor of not having to hear DW profess his undying love for Scrub Busch.

  6. no.

    they are not bad.

    but Fox is just better.

    i don't care too much for TNT though.

  7. On the plus side at least we don't have to listen to DW till Daytona in February.

  8. Fox is great the other 3 channels suck!! No more Gopher cam later Digger!!

  9. Well be sure to buy your local paper for accurate results of the races until next Febuary.

    Unless TNT,ABC,ESPN is hiring the FOX crew the coverage will blow.

  10. ABC was really bad at times last season. Sometimes coming back from commercial just to show a list of all the people sponsoring todays race and then going back to commercial without even showing the actual race. That drove me crazy.  I hope it's improved this year.

  11. They are bad  But anythings better then DW

  12. Yes they are, they are Horrible. Fox is by far the best.

  13. TNT is okay, it's ABC and Espn that needs a little more work.

  14. well the commentators from espn and abc are the same. and i think tnt sucks the most. all of them suck compared to fox. go D.W and jeff gordon!!

  15. My problem with TNT and ESPN/ABC was how they wouldn't show who completed the race 3rd and beyond until 5 minutes into the Victory Lane celebration. It was hard to figure out where your driver or fantasy drivers finished. There were also times where they never showed the points standings. I ended up getting this information from the Internet while they goofed off. I hope they are better this year (please, please, please).

  16. Yeah Fox is the King DW is the best no other announcer can spurt that boogity bogity boogity. Besides Nascar gives Fox the first half of the regular season.

  17. Fox is by far the best in my opinion, but the others are tolerable..

  18. I personally like TNT and ESPN/ABC. I dont think its bad but that's my lonely opinion.

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