
Is Tae kwon do right for a fith grade girl?

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Is Tae kwon do right for a fith grade girl?




  1. for confidence, health, self esteem, and sport....yes tkd is good.

    you won't learn much usable self defense though from my experience.

    one person said take karate first, and then graduate to taekwondo. this makes no sense at all.

    before taekwondo was called taekwondo it was called various names such as tang soo do...which is the korean pronunciation of karate do (japanese) ....tkd IS karate. albeit a watered down version of it. taekwondo comes directly from japanese karate, and japanese karate comes from okinawan karate.

    okinawan karate is much more advanced than any taekwondo i've ever seen. most of the taekwondo schools i've seen have no clue why they even do forms. they just do them in order to get the next belt...without any real knowledge of what they forms are for.

    so depending on your wants and needs for your daughter (i assume) ....tkd can be very good. it can be very bad.

    it all depends on what you want out of her training.

  2. What you want to take is BJJ, Muay Thai, Okinawan Karate, Krav Maga...I'm kidding.

    Just make sure it's a good gym, with a quality instructor.

  3. sure give it a try

  4. I study TKD myself, in my school there are plenty of children ranging from 6 years-old(school's min. age) to high school and there are plenty of adults.  TKD will help the student learn how to focus, provide physical conditioning, teach self-defense and  help establish discipline. Some parents have reported to my instructor that their children are doing better in school, have more self confidence and have more respect for everyone around plus most schools have a fun family-like atmosphere. I would recommend that you check out your school choices and talk with the school master or head instructor to learn more about the school itself.

  5. yeah but its a gate way art

  6. i would suggest you do karate first and when you get to 7Th grade try taek wondo

  7. I did TKD for 6 years, among other martial arts, and I can honestly say that its one of the few martial arts that anyone can take up. Its a friendly, helpful environment where you can learn at your own pace. This makes it great for kids.

    Just know that TKD these days is more of a sport than a practical martial art/self defense system. For this particular case, I hope the focus is for you to get some exercise, get in shape, meet new people and just have fun.

    For a younger person, its more for the experience of achieving goals and building confidence and self esteem than for learning how to fight or defend yourself, which is what I hope you are looking for.

  8. To achieve a good rank at a young age it would be a good time to start, however make sure the taewondo academy has a kids class. I recommend it as it gives you amazing confidence as you discover things you didn't think you could do, it also raises your fitness.

    The above post says taekwondo comes from japanese martial arts, it is from korean martial arts.

  9. Taekwondo is a sport that suitable for any age, anyone. Taekwondo is a sport that help build strength and defense. Even child with 2nd grade can learn. Don't worry. For girl to learn this also not bad, she can learn for protection.

  10. My daughter started in 3rd grade.  She is going into 5th grade in the fall.  

    I think it is great for her.  Good luck!


  11. yes. u will surely enjoy it

  12. sure its good for anyone of any age

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