
Is Tampa Steven Stamkos crazy???

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So……the Lightning are definitely taking Stamkos? There are billboards all over town that say simply . When I first saw them, I was thinking, “There is no way that they are talking about Steven Stamkos.” Then, I noticed a sticker on the STOP sign at the end of my road.

There are Billboards, Sticker, T-shirts and even "Seen Stamkos" Dancers!

Has Tampa gone Steven Stamkos crazy?




  1. Imagine they don't draft him....

  2. This isn't the first time Tampa went nuts for hockey and their players.Remember a few yrs back when they had billboards all over for Martin St Louis?Wait a tick.....That was for the new Austin Powers movie and that was Mini-Me..Sorry for the confusion.

  3. It's not that they have gone Stamkos crazy is just after the sucky season we have just had they want to create a little hype and if that means giving us false hope with one golden boy then so be it...

  4. That would explain TBL's name lol

  5. That's hilarious.

  6. I think Tampa should just be happy that the wildfires are burning on the east coast and in the glades, sparring the Bay/

  7. Yes it is. Even down here in South Florida it has trickled down. I can say I do have a seen Stamkos bracelet.

  8. Hey Girl you are looking good in your Tee Shirt. But if Jay is going to help the team a trade of this pick might do more than choosing Stevie Boy.

    He's not a Vinny nor is he a Tavares. There are some good D men available in this draft and the first for a prospect and a third or fourth pick would help more. Maybe even sucking Toronto in for Stralman and their seventh. The Maple Leaf faithless would consider that in a heartbeat.

  9. Steven Stamkos must feel pretty special. Tampa has definitely gone Stamkos crazy.


  11. They certainly seem to be going crazy for the guy but the question is.....Is this the guy they need?  With how horrid their defense plays wouldn't they be better off with a solid Defenseman or goalie?  If Mike Smith can do what they need in goal maybe they don't need to draft a goalie and I can't say I know enough about their prospects down in the system to say that they don't have a good young goalie on his way up.

    If I were them I'd be looking to shore up their problem with letting in all those goals before I'd spend a pick on ANOTHER offensive threat unless they just plan to use these guys to make trades for established D men

  12. They've aquired a great draft pick, they have the right to be celebrating.

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