
Is Taurine in red bull ok to drink if your a muslim?

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because i have been told an ingredient is red bull is considered to be alcohol.

Any help appreciated




  1. I don't think it has alcohol. So it's fine. but it brings some health problems. I suggest that you don't drink it... I drink orange juice instead.. :)

  2. There may be trace amounts of alcohol in Red Bull, which is why there may be some doubt.  However, there are trace amounts of alcohol in lots of foods (yeast, for example, is a bacteria that converts sugars to alcohol).

    Taurine, specifically...well, you don't want to know what it was derived from.  You can read about it on Wikipedia.  But all the taurine we get now is synthetic.

    Red Bull was specifically certified as OK by an Imam recently (a month or so ago), so I'm assuming that taurine is okay, too.

  3. Red Bull® Energy Drink is halal. This has been certified by the MUSLIM JUDICIAL COUNCIL. Imaam Y. Harris, Cape Town. ...enjoy it.

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