Look at the TV.
All those sitcoms, all those movies, all those music videos. Many of them showcasing society's image of how a perfect life should be. Beautiful people living exciting, adventurous lives 24-7. Call to adventure, save the world, love stories, etc.
And for many of us, our lives are nowhere near that fantastic. We live in reality. Work 9-5, get laid once in a blue moon if you're lucky. But the TV shows a much better reality. Then we look at our own and see our own existence as inferior.
Is all this creating a boon in depression? When people the world round compare their lives to the lives they see in the television?
Maybe a similar thing can be seen with World of Warcraft addicts and other similar video games? Perhaps they prefer their perfected avatar in a simulated reality over their imperfect selves in this reality?
Your thoughts?