
Is Tennis a Sport???

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everyone in my school says tennis is not a sport. but i think it is. u get exercise and work out ur muscles so why shouldnt it be a sport???




  1. Yes tennis is a sport! Everyone at your school is probably just jealous because they don't have the stamina and coordination it takes.

  2. yes it most definitely is. if anyone has a question about it, just challenge them to a match. as soon as they start playing, they'll realize it's not as easy as it looks.

  3. Of course it is.  When played at the highest levels, it can be the most mentally challenging and physically grueling sports of all.  Anyone who tells you that it's not a sport is an idiot.

  4. they are sadly mistaken. indeed tennis is a sport.

    they are wrong

    i'm sry, but how to they think that tennis is not a sport.

    that's ridiculous.

  5. definately a sport.  and with it i got so much arm strenght that i could beat a guy.  and there is a lot of footwork involved.  it is a sport.  i mean i kinda has to be because chess is a sport.

  6. it is not only physical exercise you get when playing are exercising yr mind,thinking,planning,strategy,logic,ma... to calculate dimensions) speed of the ball,angles,etc...your competetive spirit,optimism,team spirit,motivation,pride,self-confidence.... fashion sense shows about yr personality...yr drive,will to succeed,be a good winner and can use yr intelligence to study and read up on history within the sport of tennis...and make friends or lovers or spouses....there is much more involved ie,coordination,focus,and equipment...on and on...sooo whomever are the "everyone" in yr school ,i suggest they listen,watch and read before making false continue asking questions ,those who don't are positive ..hagd...

  7. It is a sport.  Tennis is hard.  You run your butt off.  You keep score, you use equipment.  What else defines a sport?

  8. It has already been established that tennis is a sport, but I would like to add a little more. The only reason people say that it is not a sport is because they want to look tough by saying things like "Football and Basketball are the only true sports, because they have more contact than anything else."

    Sport - an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc. (

    Hmmm when you read that, the DICTIONARY includes the word TENNIS as a SPORT. I think that makes it clear right there. :)

  9. I want to blast a tennis racquet on ur head!!!

    can't u see that the tennis section in yahoo answers is in the category of SPORTS?!?

  10. of course it is!

  11. yes tennis is a sport

  12. Tennis is just as 100% a sport as football is. Tennis isn't a very popular sport but it still is one. Just like Dance,Bowling and gymnastics are all sports as well. Your getting exercise which is good when you play it. Tell everyone in your school there wacked because tennis is a sport everyone should know that its like a no-brainer

  13. It is very much a sport. Don't go by what others say. If YOU think it is a sport, it is a sport. And you are exactly right. Few sports are as tough and trying as tennis is. It is a great workout for your body. Tennis is one of the finest sports in the world. I cannot see why everyone in your school says tennis is not a sport.


  14. They put a pedometer on Maria Sharapova and put one on a basketball player, and turned out she ran 3 miles more than he did.

    You burn more calories playing tennis than most other sports. Your legs get completely toned from top to bottom. The only muscle you have to do extra work on, is your abs.

  15. Everyone in your school is retarded.  Tennis is one of the most popular sports in the world.  It is the utlimate challenge mentally and physically.  If tennis is not a sport, then soccer, hockey, and volleyball are not sports either.

  16. Duh tennis is a sport! How can it not be?! What about it is not sport like at all. Your run, work your arms.  Its  a completion... I can't think of ONE reason how it can not be a sport!

  17. is poker a sports???

    that's the question i want to know, and why ESPN covers so many poker????

    if tennis is not a sports, the majority of the sports are not sports. of course tennis is sports!

  18. tennis is most definitely a sport dude

  19. Everyone at your school is stupid then. That's completely rediculous! OF COURSE it's a sport. Sheesh.

  20. ppl in ur school are most likely very uneducated

    im not stereotyping, but most ppl who think tennis isnt a sport play football, and those ppl think that they r all that and tough. i bet a football player wudnt last 3 games on the tennis court without being beat humiliatingly.
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