
Is The Air Force Really "Laying People Off"? ?

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I heard a RUMOR that the U.S Air Force are currently downsizing and letting people go with a hefty severance pay before there contracts end, does anyone know if this rumor is at all true?

I heard it from someone who claims to have a friend who this happened too. I am considering joining the Air Force, but I don't want my job in jeopardy from the get-go!




  1. There is no plans to downsize for the next fiscal year.

  2. The AF has been considering an "RIF" (reduction in force) for some time now. The AF is very "top heavy" meaning there is alot of high-ranking folks hanging around and room needs to be made for folks of lower rank to move up. Also, the AF has made some changes to their evaluation system (at least for the officers) that will inlcude whether they meet height/weight standards. This is proving to be quite an incentive for many since there are plenty who cannot pass their physical fitness tests, and are overweight according to AF standards.

    So the point is that the AF is taking measures other than the RIF at this point in order to meet readiness goals and retain the most desireable personnel.

  3. They were supposed to downsize but the plans were halted by Defense Secretary Gates. It's one of the reasons that the Air Force Secretary, the Air Force Chief of Staff and Vice Chief of Staff were shown the door.

    So, the re-shaping of the Air Force which would have led to the reduction in force is getting another look. Still, there will be some change in the numbers as the Air Force moves forward from the days of the Cold War and the garrison Air Force to the new era of the expeditionary air force.  

  4. The Air Force was down sizing, then Defense sec gates ended that a couple of months ago.

    But even when they were down sizing, they were not down sizing first enlistment airmen.

    They were down sizing the middle pay grades, E-5 thru E-7.

    They can control the lower pay grades, by limiting how many airmen can enter a specific Tech School.

    So all the down sizing did, was make it harder to get some jobs at enlistment.

  5. I doubt that they would be doing that in our current situation, but they were doing it about 8 years ago. but that was before all h**l broke loose. if you are a new recruit you should have nothing to worry about they need new recruits all the time and you should have many years of no worries.

  6. I thought that too at one point, because i kept hearing that too. but I would say ,NO, because the recruiters called me back like a few days ago. so NO. I hope that helps.

  7. Why don't you just join the army you want ever have to worry about your job there. They always need people.  Why just the Air Force

  8. No, the Air Force finished that up and is now holding numbers relatively steady.  There will always be times when this is happening, though.  Any time that the force is significantly reduced, some people will have to leave the Air Force whether they want to or not.  The only real way to get rid of lieutenants and many captains is before they finish their commitment.  There won't be any cuts anywhere near as severe as after the end of the Cold War, though, so even when it happens again the odds are still good to stay in.  

  9. Megs

    You will notice as you go through your AF life that things cycle around.  In 1992, we had the VSI/SSB (a buyout program) to encourage people to leave.  Then we had to increase our numbers because too many people got out.  For the last two years, we've had force shaping where people are allowed to separate early, "encouraged" to cross train, and in some cases, separate involuntarily through no fault of their own.  But the cycle continues and we are building up again.  If you can get your hands on a current AF Times, there's a lengthy article about it.  

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