
Is The British Royal Family A Complete Waste of Time and Money?

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Is The British Royal Family A Complete Waste of Time and Money?




  1. Not completely. Where would this page be without them?

  2. i dont think so personally.

  3. I  dont think they are a waste of time, the Queen is a useful political tool in international relations and its good that the Prime Minister knows he doesn't have complete control over the country.

    Although I think that private expenses that dont have anything to do with work (carrying out public duties) should be payed by their own private estates.

  4. No. In addition to her constitutional duties, The Queen has an important role to play in public. A national figurehead, The Queen provides a focus for identity, offers recognition of achievement of all kinds, and supports the ideals of public and charitable work.

    Her Majesty acts a focus for national unity and pride by means of regular visits in the UK, her other realms, the Commonwealth and overseas destinations. The Queen is supported by other members of the Royal Family, who also carry out thousands of visits each year.

    The Queen recognises excellence and achievement. This takes place in many ways: through Royal visits which provide a 'seal of approval' to a charity or community; through the award of honours and prizes to outstanding individuals; and through messages sent to those celebrating special birthdays or wedding anniversaries.

    The Queen and the Royal Family also play an important part in the public and voluntary sector. Through involvement with hundreds of charities, military units and other organisations, they promote the ideal of service to others.

    Note: Buckingham Palace accounts reveal that the Queen and the Royal Family cost each British taxpayer 60p per year (£35m a year, which, split between every British man, woman and child).

  5. Yes they are a complete waste of time, money and everything else. Russia got rid if their monarchy nearly 100 years ago and we are still stick with ours.

  6. not the way have been acting over the years. they are a waste of space so corrupt.

    and all the wrong doings.

  7. You don't need them. They have no right to be royal.

  8. yes i think so,

  9. Yes, utterly, but then you have political dynasties in the USA too.  Why did the American Revolution take place?  because a man called George thought he should run the place just because his father, another George, also did.  Sound familiar?

  10. Yes and those who love the Royal family need their brains tested!

  11. lifestyle of a by-gone era! ...

  12. its a waste of time but not money, because they help us make money

  13. If the USA is what it is like to be a republic give me the monarchy any time. At the very least HM the Queen is respected around the world simply because she is apolitical. Considering the entire royal family cost me only 60p last year I think we got a bargain. As for a waste of time at least when The Queen goes to France she delivers her speech in French. It's a pity that the president of France couldn't (or wouldn't?) show the same respect whilst he was here and deliver his speach in English.

  14. No i think its good to keep a monarchy its sticking to the roots of this country and its good for tourism.

  15. totally mate, but they want to be liked thats why they keep all their dirty secrets underwraps.

    prince andrew, prince edward and prince charles are all half brothers, same mum, different dads...  and thats just the start!

    theres a ton of stuff out there on them

    its just a fact people

  16. No, our politicians are though. They are all corrupt silver spooners selling our rights away in favour of a dictatorship.

    new Labour is no different from the conservatives, just as corrupt.

    They have the cheek to criticise the royals but illegally invade Iraq for oil. And of course won't allow details of expenses to be made public.

    I'd rather the Queen abolished parliament and took control for six months so we can start the political process all over again.

  17. They are a shower of b******s

  18. YES

  19. No.  The country has to have a head of state, and the royal family doesn't cost us any more than an elected President would.  Plus we are spared all those tiresome elections.

    I am not sure that tourism would grind to a halt if we didn't have the royal family, as countries that no longer have royal families seem to do all right for tourists, but all the same I think they make england more interesting.

  20. Yes it is, a total waste of Tax payers cash, Tourists don't come over to see them, that's a myth, and they are a bunch of total scroungers, The Queens children are a very poor role model for today's younger generation, they are of no use at all, Bring on the revolution!!

  21. Nothing like as much as some presidents one might care to mention.

  22. i dont know.

  23. Yes!

  24. and space.....but they bring in the tourists ...hence what can you do


  25. No it isn`t.

  26. We need our Royal Family.

    Without them our tourism industry would grind to a halt.

    Nobody would be interested in visiting England without the Royals.  We have nothing else to offer!

  27. Not at all.

  28. yes but i love them anyway!

  29. they should start paying their own way,i am sick of seeing them and the politicians swanning about while i am living hand to mouth while they TAXME.IT IS A SORE POINT AND IT P****S ME OFF


  31. No it defiantly is not I suggest you learn a few facts before posting a question like this if you follow this link you might learn a thing or two

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