
Is The CTA Safe At Night?

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I Am Going From O'Hare TO The Sears Tower And U Will Be Spending Most Of My Day Downtown. Is It Safe Even At Night?




  1. Depending on how late but if it's like after 10pm... keep your guard up.

  2. Yes its safe.

    Here's a few tips:

    1. Don't stand up and study the rail map or open a huge CTA map on the train.  Study your stops before you get on the train or right now:

    2. Don't give ANYBODY money for ANY reason becuase you're inviting attention to yourself.

    3. At night, don't go sit in the closed off area near at the front of the train.  Bums usually sleep there and smoke or something.  Sit by the doors.

    I don't want to make it sound like the train is unsafe because it's not.  But being that it is a train from an airport that carries tourists, people will look for your suit case and try to scam a dollar off of you.  Just be polite say no thanks and go back to reading or something.

  3. The CTA is fairly safe, although you should never let your guard down.  I've ridden from O-hare to LaSalle St. Station (several blocks away from Sears Tower) several times and have never had problems.

  4. The CTA is Just as bout as safe as every other busline

    Just keep to yourself and you'll have no problems

    Chicagos not that bad!!

  5. Yep.

  6. It's pretty safe at night. As long as you don't go to bad areas you should be fine. Public transportation is used by so many people in Chicago so they usually try and do everything they can to keep people safe.

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