
Is The First Day Of High School Scary???

by  |  earlier

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Im going to the 9th grade this year and i wanted to know is it scary if so how and in what ways?




  1. No not at all you if you get all hyped up about it then yeah.

  2. to be honest with u, i was rele scared on my first day...

    its becuz i didnt kno anybody, and it was my first public skool (cuz i had gone to private my WHOLE life)!!...but i made friends on the first day and it was awesom...jus dnt worry abt it and hav a good time...

    high scool is the best!!=)...good luck on ur first day

  3. ya, it's scary cuz it's a new environment! it's always scary doing something new... just have fun!

  4. h**l no.

    Only thing though, watch out for us upperclassmen.

  5. It's not scary. It's quite interesting actually. You're not gonna get teased by the older grades, you're not gonna have any like that happen. It's just like going to  a new school.. It's no scarier than any other day of school you've been to.

  6. no its not scary. Its just like any other day except you are now going into another school  

  7. Oh me. It is LOL. Well, for me anways. :| I was scared haha. But, after you get to know people, it isn't so baad. :] It's actually pretty fun. For a couple of days it's gonna be scary & weird but, you'll get over it.!  

  8. no its fun you get freedum from jr high you can do what you want you meet a bunch new people its so much fun  

  9. This may sound wierd, but the first day of highschool went by in a huge blurr for me. When i got home I was like " What in the **** was that?!". But really, once you get used to it, its really fun!.

  10. it can be a little intimidating. it's a new building so you might get lost and miss the start of a lesson but other than the sheer size of the buildings and being disorientated it's not all that bad. just aren't the only new kid so everyone your age will be feeling the same way. don't be afraid to get to know me..i went to 3 different high schools as i moved around a lot.

  11. yes but not as scary when you are done with high school and have to work and live in the real world that even worst then what you are in  

  12. First day wasnt so bad for me just another day. Although as the year went on some of the seniors were complete a******s. At lunch they would always throw food and c**p at my table and while I walked home they threw stuff out of their cars at me. One time they threatened to beat up a friend of mine at the table and i tried to stand up for him and they pinned me to the wall... yea... watch out some people are complete jerks. And this was a quiet little suburban school haha. But last year I was a senior and my class did absolutly nothing to the underclassman. What helps is to have some uperclassman friends to help you out.

    I know a lot of people will say oh nothing will happen to try to make you feel safe and nothing may happen but some people at school will be stupid and try to pick on other people it happens, not all the time but it can. Just try not to let it bug you and have a good four years. One day youll be a senior too

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