
Is The First Day of School A Big Deal To You Anymore? ?

by Guest33999  |  earlier

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This is something that i have found intriguing of the past two years. I am 22 and going into my fifth year in college. School starts on monday but it isn't a big deal to me. I can remember even two years ago the first day of school was a huge deal. I always got anxious right before and i would always wish that i had more time off. I would spend the last few days of summer making sure i was totally ready. Getting my cloths together, getting a hair cut, finding all my school stuff, etc. Then on the first day, i would make sure everything was perfect.

But now, i don't really care. Last year i sort of prepared on the last day of summer break but really nothing too special. This year, i nearly forgot that tomorrow is the last day of summer break. Of course i was aware that i am going to school on monday but it doesn't feel like a huge event like it used to. No anxiety, no apprehension, no excitement, no desire to make the most of it or prepare in really any way.

The only reason i remembered that tomorrow is the last day is because my car needs gas before i head to school, then it just kind of dawned on me that tomorrow is the last day of summer break.

It just doesn't feel like a big deal in any way. I have no emotional reaction to this, which seems strange to me, since it always had in years past. Have you got to the point where you no longer feel that the first day of school is a big deal?




  1. I'm only excited the year when I enter the new school. After that, you get to know everyone and it's not as exciting anymore.  

  2. Not a big deal here at all.... I'm retired ☺.

    It does affect me though - here in Philippines school vacations are March - May (hottest part of the year). When school starts you have to watch out for millions of little people who for some reason seem to be going to or from school all day long.

  3. Yes, as soon as I started college, the thrill of the first day left me....I was no longer the chipper high school student I had been as I enter my second year of college I realize that Ive met so many new people it doesnt put butterflies in my stomach, I realize I dont need yet another new messenger bag, and if I just throw on whatever is clean, Ill be right up there with my classmates.  I dont go for fun and for socialization, I go b/c I have to if I want a degree to support myself and kid, I go because I paid for it and wont get the money back if I miss 4 days, I go because I need the notes to help me pass the mere 5 tests that determine whether I pass or fail this class that I refuse to take again (Western Civilization puts me to into a coma)....yes the happiness of the first day has left my once vibrant soul.

  4. It is probably because u have been going to the same school for a wile now and know what to exspect and where to go. I remember in highschool I used to worry that I wouldn't have anyone to sit with at lunch but I always did. And I remember my first day of college I was so worried I was gonna look like I tried to hard so I tried hard not to look like I tried hard to look nice lol. and I hate having to work in groups in school now. In highschool I loved it, it was a free pass to bairley do any work. Now I get fustrated and I don't even want to make friends or socialize. I have my home life n school life and I don't want to mix the two. School is always nerve wreaking either the work or the people or the preperation get to you. I am a lot calmer about it this year now that its my second year n I know my way around.  

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