
Is The Government Abandoning Our Beloved Royal Family?

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It has been announced that Buckingham Palace is in a state of severe disrepair and that in places it poses a serious risk to life and limb.

However, Gordon Brown has stated that he will not allow the tax payer to fund the repairs which are needed to restore this wonderful palace to its pristine state even though it would only cost £3 million.

Is this Labour government abandoning our beloved royal family?




  1. Let them pay for it themselves. No-one pays for the repairs on my home for me & I pay the mortgage. They live there rent-free so surely paying for the upkeep of the place is not asking too much of them.

    First, & probably the last, sensible thing gordon Brown has said.

  2. So much for Gordon Brown's speech on patriotism

    has he forgotten already  ?

    Buckingham Palace is part of British History and should be preserved for the tourism that it brings to Britian .

  3. for goodness sake, why do most people say : they should pay for it themselves they have enough money, why should myyyy taxes pay for it? because it belongs to you, you own Buck' House not the Royal Family, now I could understand it if you were asked to pay for work done at Balmoral House, because that is Her Majesty's private residence. most people are unaware that these places are NATIONAL treasures and not private, to pay £3m on making Buck' House safe and pristine again, is not alot to make sure that this fantastic monument is kept for further generations to enjoy.

    the Queen has an allowance of about, and don't quote me on this, $14m a year, with this money she has to pay for everything associated with the Royal house, that includes insurance, gas, electric, wages and so on and so on.  the Monarchy and the Royal Residences bring in millions in tourism a year, the Americans alone travel this great country of ours in awe of the many Royal wonders we have to offer, so they bring in more than they cost

    can the same be said for the Government, 2 words, John Prescott!!!!!!!!!!

    Brown should do what is good for the economy, and pay up!!

  4. Gordon brown hanged for treason!!

    Now there's a headline for you!

    The royal family is a good business that nets the UK a tidy profit

  5. No, they are not but want to give mixed signals to help their popularity with both pro- and anti- monarchists.

  6. When there is so many needy people and hospitals I think Mr. Brown is right although I don't like seeing my money spent on wars.  

    Our Queen is one of the richest people in the world so like us perhaps she should pay for the repairs to her homes even though they are our heritage and do earn a lot of revenue in tourism for this country.  Three million is not a lot to find for her.

  7. I do respect the royal family.

    It would be nice to repair the Buckingham Palace and to make sure it looks nice and to keep it up.

    Of course, I think they will never tear it down.

    I don't know if the royal family will last forever or not but even if they don't, I think they will still need to have the palace up as a historical monument.

  8. beloved?

  9. If Buck House is such a tourist attraction as some people think, why not turn it into a hotel?  The yanks and Japanese would pay a fortune to stay there and that would pay for the roof.  The queen has plenty of other homes to go to.

  10. PLEASE

  11. Unfortunately Mr Brown is as supportive of the monarchy as any true blue tory. His response to a recent petition calling for the end of the monarchy makes it abundantly clear he supports the status quo.

  12. pound saver brown is sooo annoying. i mean there would be no britain without the royals. we have to sort this out! if the government doesnt care about the royals then they show no respect. why should we respect them?

  13. Why on earth should the taxpayer pay for the repairs? Don't the Royal Family have enough money to pay for it themselves? I don't see the Queen offering me a few quid when my roof needs repairing or I want a bit of decorating done. We are all equal (or should be). Let them do as everyone else does and pay for it themselves.

  14. We should pay for this as Buckingham Palace is in fact a State owned property with a lease to the royal family. Therefore Buckingham Palace is as good as a council building and should therefore be repaired out of the tax payers pocket.

  15. Clown Brown is just another Commie politician out for the main chance

  16. I think that the Queen should get a lawyer, they are renting the Palace and don't own it.  Mr Brown is being a slum lord!

  17. Yeah Labour is abandoning our Royal family,cause they want a Rep and believe you me it is them that will be sorry cause that's why tourist flock to the UK.And I dont see why the Queen must pay as it is National Tresure so yes I think the goverment is responsible.

  18. Why should we continually support a bunch of German tourists, who have no right to anything in this country

  19. You must think in the poor people, royal family had duties with all people of the country, one of the duty is paid taxes, they are rich why not.

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