
Is The Human Race Still Evolving?

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Is The Human Race Still Evolving?




  1. The human race is slowly evolving. For instance, it is said that with each child born, the length of their toes become more even in length because of the invention of the shoe, but since evolution happens slowly, we don't notice it.

    However there is little left to improve upon. It is also said that perhaps the human race has come to the farthest point of evolution that the only way to go is down. Meaning that we will destroy ourselves (ex. war/terrorism/hate crimes/murder... and so on).

  2. Yup we're evolving both mentally and physically. Need proof? Hold your hand in front of your face and relax your fingers. Notice how the pinky is sagging? The pinky will eventually fall off in thousands of years =)

    Hope this helps!!~

  3. it will evolve till the day we go instinct.  don't worry though because you will never know when the end will come.  earth has 4.5 billion yrs more of lifetime.

  4. More like devolving...

  5. No. See Devo.

  6. Yes, to evolve is to change. Many think to evolve is to get better, but evolution has no goal & all life continues to evolve.  As a population increases it becomes more diverse (due to that evolution) & therefore if a crisis situation happens, is more likely to have some in the population with the ability to survive & pass on the genes that allowed them to survive the situation. One could always argue that the ability to cure diseases & care for the infirm allows their genes to be passed on to offspring they'd not have produced in the past, but even that is evolution.

  7. No God created us and we're not going to grow wings.

  8. if we were (which we arent) do you think we would be on Y!A answering Qs like this??

  9. yes, people are making new discoveries every day! I for one have realised that i need to be more confident to get boyfriends!!

  10. Yes, I think we are, I think humans are just becoming bigger, smarter, and stronger. I think the average person today is very much different than a person was who was born 1,000 years ago, it may be the environment that causes it or maybe it is a natural process that would happen regardless, but I do think were evolving.

  11. Yes.  Evolution never stops, but it occurs so slowly over such a long period of time that we can't actually see it in our own short lifetimes.  As mutations occur, if they are beneficial, nature will select for them.

  12. no, its dumbing down!

  13. If you are referring to the biological process of evolution, as opposed to the more general concept of "change" then there are two answers.  Biological evolution is usually regarded as constant - regardless of how important our species believes it is we are still here only by geological consent. However, it is also true that the amount of random genetic drift which occurs within a given species over the very short period of time in which our evolutionarily unproven species has graced the planet suggests that we are unlikely to notice.  if you want to see evolution in action, carefully watch a terrarium full of fruit flies for a few weeks straight, and take notes on what they do and look like. .

  14. Extremely slowly, I guess.

    Environmental changes are what drive evolution. The individuals which can't cope with the changes in the habitat die out while those who change to cope effectively get to live, mate and pass on their genes. Natural selection.

    For modern humans, we have the capability to change the environment to suit us instead of the other way round. So there is not that much selection pressure on us.

  15. i think so, but I think Darwin had it backwards, I think we're heading into the trees, not down from them......

  16. Sure! No one can stop the laws of nature. But the speed is very low even you can't detect it. Caucasian is different from Asian and Eskimos are different from Africans. All in path of evolution. But main reason which may go against  nature's law is inter continental and inter religional marriages. Which can hamper the laws of nature. Even if it becomes only one species in mankind then also evolution is inevitable. Surroundings food pattern etc. have good influnce on evolution.

  17. Depending on which theory you prescribe to. For some, they think we have started going the other way... We protect and allow the dregs of society to breed like rabbits, and the intelligent tend to have only one child, two at the most, so are not even sustaining their own numbers.

  18. If by evolving you mean changing, probably.

    But we have knocked evolution on the head. It used to work by the mechanism of survival of the fittest. Those who were best adapted to survival in changing conditions pass their genes on to the next generation, those who are not suited to survive in a changing habitat die off and their genes die with them. A very simplified version here.

    Now, we support everyone, so there is no survival of the fittest, so all genes, even recessive and those poorly suited for survival, do survive. So, instead of evolving man kind is devolving.

  19. Every living organism is evolving.

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