
Is The NOW Crowd Jealous of Palin?

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It sure looks like they are. Jealousy does not win elections. When the NOW crowd says she is inexperienced, they are just jealous because a woman from their camp is not a any presidential ticket. What is experience to them? She has executive experience. Secondly, to say that Alaska does not count is absurd. Alaska has as much equal representation than any other state in the union. That is in the constitution.

Palin is the antithesis of the NOW crowd. That is what they are whining about. How attractive is that?




  1. Jealous?  I feel sorry for her.  She was used and if her party wins, the next four years of her life will be torturous at best.  

  2. They will secretly vote for McCain!

  3. But you see this has untied the party. The NOW crowd is going to rip her to shreds. Hillary and crew will have a party doing it. I'm going to set back and enjoy the ride. Obama/Biden

  4. the only women the NOW support are the women that think like they do.............that's pretty pathetic if I say so myself.

  5. She is inexperience.

    Even some former Clinton supporters said Palin would not automatically draw disenchanted women voters -- and would face fierce pushback from the Obama campaign over her conservative social views.

    "I know Hillary Clinton, and Sarah Palin is no Hillary Clinton," Debbie Wasserman Schultz said in a phone interview with NBC.

    Mitt and Pawlenty say they feel used and they are way more qualified than Palin.

    -The Trail-

  6. This fantastic choice destroyed all of NOW's deceptions.

  7. Yup! Palin is the what a feminist SHOULD be. A strong, well-spoken leader, fit and able to take care of herself, a devoted mother and wife, and able to balance those two side very effectively. Unfortunately, for NOW... and why they'll NEVER support her, Palin's also a religious conservative. You better believe NOW is jealous... and worried.

  8. "It sure looks like they are".

    And that conclusion is based on what, exactly?  It seems to have been pulled out of thin air.

  9. She's pro-life. That automatically removes her from consideration.

  10. if it weren't for NOW we wouldn't even be talking about Palin

  11. The NOW crowd aren't jealous.  They're realists.

    Palin is running around saying how she and her husband chose to have their child even though they knew the child would be born with down syndrome.

    And the point is:  She exercised her RIGHT TO CHOOSE.

    Now she and McCain want to take away other women's right to choose simply because they don't make the same choice as Palin did.

    And if you think 21 months of governing 9,000 citizens is enough executive experience to govern 300 million people, then you need to think again.

    Palin used to be a sportscaster journalist.  Obama has one of the sharpest Harvard, legal trained minds in the country.  Big, big difference.

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