
Is The Twilight Series Appropriate For A 12 YR Old Girl?

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my daughter is 12 and loves the first twilight book, are the other ones appropriate for her??




  1. New Moon is definately appropriate for a 12-year-old. There is an attempted suicide though and a group of people-eating, but none of it in detail. (Suicide by Edward, People eating only described by screaming).

    Eclipse has a s*x talk between Edward and Bella. Also, it has a battle scene.

    I would not recommend Breaking Dawn for your daughter, unless she is very mature for her age. Breaking Dawn deals with themes with s*x, a childbirth scene, and an adult-child imprint.

    I think I've covered most of it, but if you do have a problem with weak female characters and the debate about Edward's emotional state, I'd suggest you do your own personal research. But the best way to know if the books are good for your daughter, is to read them too, because you know her best. :)

  2. It's probably below her reading level.  I wouldn't worry so much about the content of the books as I would about their propensity to turn the readers of them into morons.  It's almost like the books are programming young people to be unusually fervent consumers of Hot Topic products, anything having to do with vampirism, and terrible 'B' movies which more often then not star Corey Feldman.

    Do you really want to do that to your daughter?  Get her watching Feldman movies?  Aren't things hard enough for young people?

  3. just to let you know i am 12 and well now 13 bday yesterday and it is a great set of books and like others if she can handle it shes fine but you should i=enforce her reading (scene she wants to read) but i loved it and she will probably read one way or the other most school library's have them and you can leave them at the school so you want know

  4. If she's mature and can handle it. The first three aren't bad.

  5. New Moon is perfectly fine.

    In Eclipse there are two scenes where there is hinting of sexual content, but nothing happens (1st one is where edward is on his couch with bella, and he hitches her leg on his hip, she gets the hinting, kinda goes with it, and then he stops-nothing happens. 2nd time Bella starts making out with him, and starts unbuttoning his shirt, he stops her, and they talk about it, but it's clean, nothing graphic or anything, they just talk about how edward would like to wait till marriage, and bella really doesn't care, and they make a compromise)

    Breaking Dawn is the one to be wary about, there are some s*x scenes, implied, but no details at all. There are though some not-so graphic parts but not with s*x-(spoiler) Bella becomes pregnant and the child basically feeds off of her, she throws up blood and stuff. The birth of Edward and Bells child is kinda...bloody, they actually cut open her stomach and there is some detail, some of what happens and just a lot of blood.(Plus I have a queasy stomach as it is, so I might be going too far) Then there are a few implied s*x scenes between Edward and Bella, but nothing graphic or details.

    All in all, if your daughter knows about the birds and the bees, and just the basics, and you think she can handle it, she'll be okay. It's your call, plus you could have her ask if any of her friends have read it and what they thought of it.

    I know some 12 year olds who have read it, and they were fine with it.  

  6. Well, it depends on if you want her to be.

    Because it does have a few ''romantic'' scenes and some are quite descriptive and a few cursing words.

    But it really depends if you think she is.

    Sit down and have a talk with her about the first book and talk things out if she is really ready for those books.

    Good Luck :D

  7. There is no s*x ever written in the Twilight series.  The closest thing is a single leg hitch, that won't mean anything to a 12 year old, and then Breaking Dawn Edward gets Bella pregnant but Smeyer never wrote down any s*x or anything.

    A downer for the older fans, but she's mormon, she can't help it.

  8. yes. it's totally fine. my 11 year old sister read the whole series and now they're her  favorite books. i've read them too and they're amazing!

  9. Yes.

  10. I am 11 years old. And I found Twilight to be fine, New Moon is fine too. Eclipse, has a few clues about her, and her wantings to have s*x with Edward. Breaking Dawn, well, describes them on there honeymoon, it mentions the word s*x and they do it a couple of times.

    But if she has been through health class, she would know about it. I do, and my Mother has know problem. But it depends, how you feel about it.

    I hope this helps


  11. I was eleven when I read the whole series.

    It is fine, it's hardly graphic. If it is okay for a mature eleven-year-old it will be okay for a twelve-year-old. Some parts are a bit lovey-dovey, but all-in-all it's a good series for age groups 12-18 and even for some mature 10 and 11 year olds.

    Good luck!

  12. My daughter is almost 13 and has read all 4 books. I think they are appropriate, but I would strongly suggest that you read Breaking Dawn before she does. Breaking Dawn has a lot more mature content than the other 3 books. *Spoiler Warning* ---> It's not so much the s*x (which by the way, I think is written very well and tactfully) as much as it is dealing with an unexpected pregnancy, talk of abortion, and a very bloody delivery of the vampire baby. If you read it first you will be able to decide for yourself if it is appropriate or at least be able to discuss anything that she finds disturbing.

    Be careful! You might find yourself obsessed with the books yourself. In which case may be great for your mother-daughter relationship as you will be discussing sparkling vampires for weeks and possibly months. On the other hand it may not be great for you marriage because your husband will get really tired of hearing about Edward Cullen all the time. Not that I would know, LOL!

  13. uhm they are a bit intimate in some parts

    but the thing is, breaking dawn talks a lot about it, and has quite a lot to do with s*x.

    so  i think if she wants to read the series one after another, then no

    but if she wants to read the next book that ones fine.

    its the 3rd and 4th one which is a little less appropriate for children.


  14. yes.  they are perfectly fine.  They just kiss, but in the last book Breaking Dawn, once they get married, there is s*x in it.  But, there are no details at all.  I would let her read it.  It is my favorite series!

  15. yeah, im 13 and im half way through Twilight, its amazing, but...... im so mad, i just found out they get marrid and have a child, >:D

    anyway, yeah its fine.

  16. New Moon is fine and Eclipse is okay. It's Breaking Dawn that you should be careful about because of the sexual scenes. But that's it. It's a really good series!

  17. Not if you want them to grow up as an intelligent human being.

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