
Is The World Going Insane?????

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I want to know why!!!!




  1. By definition the world's human population is insane.

    Humans respond to something the far Eastern peoples refer to as "Ego".

    Using this definition:

    Ego is the part of the human makeup that causes us to often do things that are not in the best interest of ourselves and those around us (sometimes).

    Ego is also part of the human that helps human kind survive.

    It is the "self" part of the human (verses the "Higher Self" or the Oneness Connection to All Things).

    A delicate balancing act of "Ego" is needed to stop the "madness".

    I strongly suggest reading the "Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle...

    If it makes no sense--ask me any question you'd like to about this.

    I have experienced this "Oneness" and it is a beautiful alternative to an Ego driven life.


    :) :) :)

    Master Stephen Condrey

  2. no...

    the world is MADE TO LOOK insane by some people who are FRUSTRATED!!

    otherwise it seem to be the place to be!!!!

  3. its been gone baby....

  4. Yes, because humans fail

  5. I don't think the world is, really. The world, as we know it, is made up of plants, bacteria, protozoa, inorganic elements, and many other things. Humans are simply the things we focus on, because we're quite biased that way.

    Insanity is a legal term. Insanity means not able to care for one's own being or safety. One could argue that humans are fairly good at caring for one's safety, as we are all essentially good. We have to be. If we weren't, we would have died off long, long ago when there were only a handful of us on the planet.

    It seems bad now, but it's simply that we have more toys to be bad with.

  6. The world isn't going insane. We're resorting to our original instincts...SURVIVE. Kill or be killed. Nice guys finish last. Sooner or later our time will come. We may be superior and powerful, but we'll die off because of our actions.

  7. I believe the world is completely going insane. It's a time people can't judge between right and wrong, or truth and error? You know, politicians can't judge right and wrong? Look at the television getting these fictitious things in order. I predict, there'll come a time, when people will be completely, totally insane. The Bible speaks of the hideous sights they show in movies today, of prehistoric creatures that lived in the earth so many thousands and millions of years ago, hatch and come forth. That's just a minor thing, to what's going to happen, when h**l is opened and the Devil comes out with all of his mysterious things, of locusts with hair like women, and teeth like lions.

    Why, the world will be completely, totally insane. It's about one degree from it now. The whole world proves it is insane. Look at the murders and things that are going on in the world - insanity! The whole thing is coming to fulfill Revelation - those hideous things are not natural; they're spiritual things, that make people scream to the rocks and the mountains and everything else to fall on them."

  8. yes,  according to the bombs and terrorists i think the world IS  coming to an end

  9. More than likely.  It's been happening for quite some time, though, so we shouldn't be surprised.

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