
Is There A Chemical Reaction Going On..??

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When I Put A Gummy Candy Worm Into A Can Of Pepsi Max, Something Goes Funny, The Candy Worm Has No Artificial Flavors Or Preservatives But When I Emptied It Out, The Worm Has Seperated Into 3 Parts, Had Gone Really Gooey And Went From Light Pink, To White. It Resembled A Very Squishy Prawn.




  1. Read the ingredients of the gummy worm.  I'll bet it is is mostly sugar and some xanthum gum.  My guess is that much of the sugar has dissolved, which would pretty much destroy the shape of the candy.  It may not have any artificial flavoring, but I'll bet it has some color additives.  Those dissolved, too.  A solution of Pepsi is fairly acidic (dissolved CO2 and a little phosphoric acid) which probably facilitated the dissolving of the ingredients of the gummy worm.  If you swallowed a gummy worm whole (not recommended) then it would look pretty much the same in your stomach as your stomach fluid, which is also an aqueous acid solution (HCl) went to work on it.

  2. well maybe there is some reaction going on between sugar and carbon

  3. Why do you make your question so terrible to read by making each word start with a capital letter? This is very annoying and does not encourage answers.  

  4. Firstly there doesn't have to be preservatives to make a reaction. for example if you have a tablet to control your stomach then that is a chemical reaction between an acid and a base this forms a salt and water. Therefore it is probable that it is a chemical reaction going on. the pepsi probably is partly basic or a base and the worm partly acidic making a reaction similar to the one mentioned previously.

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