
Is There A Difference........?

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Is there a difference if a husband cheats and gets a woman pregnant than if a wife cheats and gets pregnant??




  1. Nope.....the wedding vows have been broken in either instance.

  2. nope, no difference. it's just as nasty either way

  3. no theres no difference, both causes heartache, betrayal hurts, be it a man or a woman.and unplanned pregnancies cause years of heartache for the spouse of one of these people.

  4. Nope, no difference, except that the betrayed father might also have to deal with all the emotional ramifications that come with raising a child thinking it's your own when it's not.  That's assuming the truth comes out when the child is older.  Seriously, that is something a woman will never have to deal with.

  5. Nope, cheating is still cheating, no matter who initiates it

  6. Nope. In both situations you are dealing with hopeless ho#$.

  7. Well, it may be possible or the wife to conceal the affair and fool the husband, where as the truth is almost certain to come out for the husband if he cheats.

    Also, if the wife cheats, the husband won't have to pay support on that one...

  8. It's the same thing.  So sad.

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