
Is There A Such Thing As Vehicle Discrimination?

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My automobile was recently towed without any prior warning or notice from in front of my apartment complex due to expired tags; however there was a vehicle right next to mine that has not been towed and there are 4 others not to far from where mine was parked that were not towed either. (They all have expired tags) My vehicle was an older model while these vehicles are newer. Is that discrimination? Also, I was told that the vehicle was towed because the complex manager didn't know who the vehicle belonged to, yet the vehicle is on my lease?! She made no effort to find out, is this legal? Also the maintenance mans vehicle for this complex has expired tags..... is this legal? Can I take them to court? I ended up selling my vehicle from the impound because I could only retrieve it 2 weeks from the date it was taken and at $25 a day I would not have the money!!!




  1. No, if the tags were expired, they were expired.  The officer that caught the expired tags is not obligated to go around and check all the rest of the cars.

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