
Is There Any Like Loving Your Cat Too Much?? ?

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I LOVE my cat TOO much!!! I miss her TOO much when I don't see her. Why am I like that?




  1. I don't think that's a bad thing at all- it just means you're a good pet parent! I adore my cats and spoil them rotten- it's nothing to be ashamed of! There's no such thing as loving a pet too much. Lots of love is a good thing and I bet your kitty loves you just as much!!

  2. Nope, you can never love your cat too much. I had a beautiful semi long haired tortiouseshell colored cat (she was so pretty and perfect), just recently lost her (August 10th, 2008) due to a sickness that they called Hypocalcemia (Milk Fever), she had her 2nd litter of kittens, and we caught it too late :(... the vet tried to help her but she passed away that night. I loved her a lot, we were best friends. I would miss her when i'd go out of town even if I was only gone for the weekend! When i'd come home, the first thing i'd look for wuld be her! Loving your cat that much is a very good thing, because a lot of love goes along way (trust me). My baby held on trying to live and would not let go until she seen me, it was so so sad, she even tried stumbling to my room (my mom was watching her for me), but once she fell on the ground, i layed right next to her, she looked at me one last time and then I think she was letting go, i cried for hours. So I know the love I gave her made her one of the happiest cats in the world, because no matter how sick she was her tail would still slowly wag when i'd be near her (which means shes happy/comfortable), so just please give your kitty as much love as you possibly can, there is NEVER a such thing as "TOO" much love, cats are wonderful animals, and they really will appreciate everything you do for them! So keep loving her, she probably loves you just as much!! :)

  3. I agree with Becca and Brian! I left Gucci in boarding yesterday evening because i cant take him along on my vacation and i seriously couldn't sleep. I've been constantly calling and nagging the cattery to take good care of him :p

    yung chelz,

    i feel for you girl. its so sad. Ive been through this once and i would never ever want to go through this again!

    your kitty is in a good place and im sure being with you it was the happiest cat on earth!

  4. Because you are very loving toward her & you're probably very affec-

    tionate towards her & caring! There's nothing wrong with that at all!!!

    I have a little siamese kitty that I've had for around 14-15 yrs now & for the past 5-6 years, she's been going with me on the truck full time.

    We are truckers! I am the same way with her or any other kitty for that matter! I'll set her down beside the steps of my "Peterbilt" semi & she'll

    climp right up the steps & into the cab & head for the bed in the sleeper! People are amazed when they see her climb into the truck!

    I kiss her, hold her, hug her, & all that stuff!! My mom would always tell us boys, "be nice to the animals and they'll love you back!!!

    See ya later!!!

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