
Is There Any Way I Could Make My PC Quieter?

by  |  earlier

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Its just really annoying to always have to listen to the 'shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' noise, especially now when I'm chilling out.

It has 2 fans:

- A big one for the processor

- A small one at the back




  1. You might be overheating it thats why it's doing that. I'd suggest going on it a little more and logging off or shutting down at night, this will give it a chance to cool down. You also may want to delete some programs you dont need if you have lots running, that may also be a reason. If you do ANY of this, it should shut it up lol... it has the fans on becuase its overworked, overheated, or too many programs working on it

  2. Switch it off ?

  3. Sounds like your overheating your computer.

    Has your computer been this loud since you got it?

    If yes then I'm afraid theres no can do.

    If no then get a small hoover and hoover over the vent. If you want to go to extreme measures, open up your pc and hoover gently over the fans, do  not touch anything you do not understand.

  4. You could always fit a quieter power supply.

    There are ones with 120mm fans on the underside of the unit than spin slower and have lots of power to spare, they are about £21.00 / $10.00 USD. There are also more expensive ones, go for the ones of 20 decibels and under.

    You can also trim and glue some thin rubberised foam to the insides of your case, to the sides at least. That will absorb a lot of vibration.

    A quick fix would be to tighten up as many screws at the back as you can, one might be loose and vibrating. Undo the power cord first.

    If you could take the side off you should clean the CPU fan cooling vanes in the heatsink below the fan, if they are clogged with dust the processor will overheat and ultimately wreck the PC as well as making a lot of noise beforehand.

             Use some Q-tips. Stop smoking so much.

  5. You could put some padding in it or somewhere around it. All it really neeeds is some pressure or solid objeact holding it down. It happened to my friends computer. It was vibrating, then i pressed down on the spot and then it stopped

  6. you might try cleaning out the dust, it does help, i don't know, it could be your fans, try have just the one for the processor, unplug the one for the back.

  7. Try getting bigger fans, that spin slower, but move the same amount of air. Or, get fans that have better bearings.

  8. are they clean?

    dust and buildup on them can cause noises

    if you know how to open your case safety to that and get a q tip and clean it off gently

    edit: what the other guy said is true to, you shouldnt leave your computer on over night, turn it off whenever yournot using it

    make sure you dont have alot of programs running in the back ground

    and do some scans( such as disk clean up and so on) to get rid of c**p that you dont need.

  9. glue lots of empty egg boxes to it

  10. If you wish to spend the money, you can soundproof your PC. A tutorial for soundproofing your PC can be found here.

  11. Yeah, Have a Quiter more Smoother Fan, or most of the time its wires hanging in front of the fan it makes an annoying buzzing sound.

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