
Is There Any Website That I Be Able To See Space Live

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Is There Any Website That I Be Able To See Space Live




  1. There are a couple of all-sky cameras at observatories that let you see the sky overhead, in pretty good detail (planets, Milky Way, our satellite galaxies).  No zooming in, but live sky (or cloud) coverage.

    Here's one from the La Silla Observatory in Chile.

    The big bright thing is the Moon; the smaller bright thing to the left of the Milky Way is Jupiter.  These are fun to watch during meteor showers.

  2. Y'know, if you just walk out your door at night and look up ...

  3. Really wondering here... what do you hope to see "live" that you can't see in a photo?

    Maybe shooting stars? Planetary postions?

    Other than that... what's changing?


  5. go to google and research for NASA and go to their offical website....... i am sure tht they have this facility

  6. tenzle didn't say what she's talking about.  slooh is a system with three sites around the world with telescopes.  And for a small fee, you can get one pointed anywhere you want.  But you can also see what other people are looking at from whatever site is currently dark for free. You don't have to leave your chair. Check it out.  Then give tenzle best answer, but with a reprimand that she also needs to say something.

  7. NASA's site.

    They have satellite videos playing all of the time.

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