
Is There Something That Could Knock a Hamster Out?

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My hamster has a pretty big cut on his bag and i've tried to clean it but He won't keep still. Is there something I could use to Knock him out or calm him down just long enough to clean the wound. I'm afraid that he might get some sort of nasty infection if I Don't do something soon.





  1. give it some heroine

  2. Don't.

    Take him to the vet, they'll be able to do it SAFELY.


    You can't do it yourself, it isn't safe, you aren't qualified.

    If you knock that hamster out you shouldn't own pets.

    If you can't afford to take him to the vet when he needs it, you shouldn't have him.

  3. If you don't want to pay vets bills you shouldn't own the animal, you should have thought about these things before buying an animal. Take it to the vet, you are not qualified and if you are stupid enough to ask questions like that you shouldn't be keeping pets in the first place. Personally I would report you to the RSPCA for being so irresponsible.

  4. Chloroform? A small hammer?

  5. try going to the vet and asking if there is anythink that could knock

    a hamster out that won`t harm him.or keep trying to clean it.

  6. i think u should go to the vet b4 knocking out a hamster u may hurt him really bad or kill him!!

  7. A right hook or a really smelly sock. Sorry, couldn`t resist.

  8. punch it in its little face!

  9. you've got to be vary careful antithesise an animal so small...ive heard of a breeder geting one ''stoned'' it do its claws..he put it in a bag and blew canabis smoke in it for 3 not advising it though...

  10. i'll knock the fukar out!

  11. There isn't anything you can do to safely knock him out I'm afraid.  You really should take him to the vet - they will do the job safely and properly.

    However, I found when I had to do something to my hamster that required her not wriggle around too much, it was best to do during her natural sleep time.  She wasn't terribly impressed at being woken up but she wasn't half as lively as she would have been in the evening and I managed to get her sorted out.

  12. Don't be silly, you can't knock a hamster out! Plus if you did try that he would die. Let a vet do it, they can take proper care of your hamster so at least it will be less painful for him. If you don't think he is worth that then that is mean.

  13. a sharp tap on the head should do it, then bury it and go out and get a new one!

  14. I had a similar problem a few years ago when one of my hamsters had a really nasty cut on his foot. If you have a good "relationship" then I would recommend just holding him for ages until he settles, or if you're lucky, starts napping. If I were you though, then I'd only clean the wound if you're sure its superficial. If it looks nasty or a funny colour then I'd take him to the vets... And I'd certainly not try to sedate him yourself. Remember that their hearts are a lot smaller and more delicate than ours.

    Good luck and I hope he's ok! :)

  15. a hammer i guess but y dunt u go to a vet

  16. Your hamster should be able to take care of the cut himself.  But if you're afraid to let him do it thats understandable and the best way would probably be to have someone put on a thick pair of gloves and hold him while you clean it.  That way if he bites it won't hurt them and they won't jerk and possibly hurt him worse.  Good luck.

  17. use 1 of those little toffee hammers to give him a sharp tap on the head

  18. Take him to the vet and don't try it yourself

  19. maybe take him to a vet...

    lol - sorry I dont have any ideas on how to render a hamster unconscious.

  20. you need to take him to the vets. and if you dont want him to get an infection, then TAKE HIM TO THE VETS

  21. how in the h**l did your hamster get a big cut on his back?  There isn't anything you can do.  You might have to take it to the vet.  Or save the big vet bill, wait till it dies and spend five bucks to get a new one.  And I suggest taking better care of your pets in the future

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