
Is There a Conflict of Interest When Agencies Counsel Expectant Mothers?

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Can Someone please explain to me how an adoption agency with a waiting list of say 35 people who have each paid to the agency a $10,000 deposit possibly provide unbiased counselling to an expectant mother?




  1. Yup, of course there's a conflict of interest.

    Anyone hear the story on NPR today about the military justice system and the conflict of interest there? Same principles in adoption... I can't for the life of me figure out why people don't understand this.

  2. Is there a conflict of interest?  Yes.

    No, I can't explain how people whose salaries are paid by people who want babies can be unbiased in their counseling to an expectant mother.  It is not possible.

    Given that adoption agencies are part of a billion dollar plus industry, I think that their employees are more like real estate agents with a product to sell than "counselors".  Sadly, many pregnant women go to agencies thinking that they are social service agencies when the agencies are nothing more than brokers of human beings.

  3. How could they provide unbiased counsel? The BUSINESS of adoption agencies is to sell babies to adoptive couples.

  4. An adoption agency already has a conflict of interest. They are absolutely looking to making money not helping pregnant women make informed choices.

  5. if I had $10,000-30,000 in my pocket and I came to you for counseling on whether or not I should give it to you or keep it for myself, how unbiased would you be in your advice to me? Now lets say there are thousands of people out there everyday who go to other people to get advice on whether or not to keep their money or give it to the counselor. How many of those counselors do you think would be unbiased? Exactly.

  6. they dont. i requested my own counselor and they paid for it along with counseling afterwards or i think i wouldve gone insane.

  7. yes. the primary job of an adoption agency is to place babies. not counsel "birth" mothers.  the fact that the term  "failed adoption" gives a negative connotation to a birth mother changing her mind, tells me that the potential birthmother's desire to parent are secondary to that of the paying customers...the aparents.

    i truly think that there should be independent counseling for any young woman considering placing, provided by the department of social services, not the adoption agency.

    placing a baby for adoption is a major decision and should not be cloaked as something "loving" and "selfless"  and something all young women will just "get over" as most  often portrayed by adoption agencies. yet, a process full of emotion, pain and ambiguity.

    adoption agency counseling=biased counseling  for potential bmoms.

  8. Well they don't have unbiased counselling.

    That's what makes the whole process sick. It's easy to brainwash a really stressed out and sometimes even abused pregnant woman.

  9. Why would they be providing counseling to an expectant mother anyway?

    But NO does not seem that they would be UN bias!!!

  10. They can't.  Its impossible when they see those dollar signs.  Its the same thing for so called Confidential Intermediaries meddling in the affairs of adults.  Too much money.  There can't be honesty in adoption.  There can't be ethics in adoption.  Its time to take out the money in adoption.

  11. I think a lot of private agencies can't, hence the need for adoption reform.  That being said, a lot of social services have no vested interest in whether the child is adopted, kept or aborted, and they usually try and do what is best for the bio-mom.

  12. Of course they can!  Provided the counselor is ethical and professional.  Just like a counselor in an abortion clinic -- she offers the facts and options.  She may not personally believe it would be a good choice, maybe one she could never personally make, but she is there to educate, provide information, discuss options, and give support.  Same with a chemical dependency counselor.  I have counselled drug addicts.  I certainly had some strong opinions about what their best option was (sobriety), but could only provide the information and support for them to make their own decision -- for their life.

    And besides, ANY good counselor knows that if you make the mistake of pushing a client in a certain direction, it will backfire!  If an adoption counselor were to pressure a woman to place her baby for adoption, a huge crisis (for everyone) will follow.  It's a cardinal rule in therapy and counseling.  It is not ethical to force one's own opinion on a client, and in no one's best interest to push personal values on clients.

    Does it happen?  Yes. Does a surgeon ever push a patient to have surgery that may not be needed?  Does a priest ever push a a pregnant woman to marry?  Does a doctor ever push a parent to abort a deformed baby?  Yes.

    But my experience with several adoption agencies over 20 years has been that most provide ethical, respectful, supportive counseling -- no matter what the mother's decision.

    And it is interesting that some people who attack agencies for recovering their expenses through adoption fees -- are usually the first to try to find a birthmother online or any other way they can -- which guarantees that the birthmother will recieve NO counseling!

  13. Yes, there is a conflict of interest without a doubt and I would never place myself in a position in relying on an agency to counsel me through a decision like that but every city in this country have many of counslors who offer counseling either free or on a sliding scale to people who need their services. I received counseling for 5$ a session when I was 16 because I was pregnant and alone. It took me less that 10 minutes to find a counselor to see me on a sliding scale.

  14. It's pretty obvious and it's sick!!!

    Like I've said in the past there's a womans center who supports women with WHATEVER their decision is. If Mom chooses to parent then they provide her with a crib carseat and lots of baby items. They're awesome and in no way connected to any agency. These are the people who need to do the pre-birth counceling and Birth parent assesments.

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