
Is There any Evidence for ReIncarnation?

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also i want some details of reincarnation based sites and books.




  1. There is no evidence of reincarnation. As one of the many beliefs of Hinduism, it is believed that once you die, you are reborn after generations into a completly different life. You will have no memory of what happened in your previous life and so there is no evidence to prove you were incarnated. It's based on your belief and faith that will be your proof.

  2. Yeah Jon the Baptist was the reincarnation of elijah

  3. In  a previous life, you were the village idiot.

    Just kidding.  The joke wouldn't have been half as funny if I said "In  a previous life,  I  was  a village idiot."

    On second thought, if that works for you...there's your proof!!!

  4. There are some documented experiences that are considered evidence for reincarnation, especially the experiences of very young children who have memories of people and places that they have never encountered.  The most extensive study that I know of is being done at the University of Virginia (link below).  This study includes case histories and information about each interview and the research that was done to follow-up on the interview.

    Edgar Casey spoke in depth about reincarnation and he presented a coherent description of the process of moving from life, to death, to life again.  He did "research" while in his trance state to help record the information that he learned while in that state.  The book "Edgar Casey on Reincarnation" has much information on this topic, though you cannot consider it evidence of a "scientific" sort since it was not completed in a controlled environment and there is no physical evidence.

    Other books that may interest you are:

    - Life after life (related to near death experiences)

    - Life before life

    - Many Lives, Many Lovers

    Near death experiences and evidence of a life after physical death are closely linked to reincarnation, though surviving death is only a prelude to being reborn.  Good luck with your research.

  5. no evidence. do not believe

  6. Yes and no. Yes there is evidence, but it's not very good evidence. The only semi-scientific work done that I am aware of it by Ian Stevenson, department head of psychiatry at U of Virginia. He was a little different as scientists go, experimenting with LSD and mescaline to basically see what he could see. He attempted to gather evidence of reincarnation by interviewing children and hearing their stories about past lives. But even Stevenson admitted that "the evidence is not flawless and it certainly does not compel such a belief. Even the best of it is open to alternative interpretations, and one can only censure those who say there is no evidence whatever." In addition, Stevenson's methods have been criticized as faulty and prone to error. See link for more info and references / books.

  7. The only evidence that exists is people having dreams of past lives, and hypnotically implanted suggestions.

    However, the dreams are more likely just dreams, even if past lives existed, there would be no chemically recorded memory in the brain that could come out in dreams.

    Hypnosis has been proven time and time again to implant memories, not recover them.

    Honestly I find the concept of reincarnation rather silly, and with no serious evidence i think it can be dicarded.

  8. reincarnation is something that you as an individual has to recognize independently,that is  the 'beauty' of it ,or anything involving or related to the 'conscious' ,is where all

    established methods of verification start to fail ,thus making these topics hard to understand when you rely only on these

    measuring tools,however in my personal experience i have

    learn to identify parts of my previous incarnations,(but that is all i can said to you this moment..

  9. I saw a very interesting, compelling account televised on ABC News Primetime.  It is about a boy who at the age of 2 and 3 began verbalizing information about a pilot who died in WWII.  There's no apparent way the boy could have known some of the facts he was describing without first hand knowledge.  The story includes an interview with the researcher mentioned above.  Click on this link for the story:

  10. no.

    it's like you really want to believe it - but i really doubt there is such thing as reincarnation.

    i prefer to explain certain reincarnation related things through other crazy notions, as astral travel, lucid dreaming etc.

    besides, most people who claim they remember past lives 'remember' they were egyptian princes/ses or napoleon, which indicates they subconsciously identify with characters they would have liked to be.

    i have an irrational fear of knives pointing at me, but i doubt i was killed by a knife in my previous life.

  11. Yeah.

    The only evidence is logical possibility.

    If physics say, there can't b any vacuum, then the dead people can't vacate their place, it has to be filled up again...where do these new borns come from?

    Answer urself.

  12. MANY PEOPLE CLAIM 4 ReIncarnation ,BUT there is no evidence, see the example of Kalpana Chawla




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  13. To me it makes more sense that instead of's other people's spirits coming into your head and putting memories and feelings of THEIR life into your head. It seems like it's YOUR past life...but it's really THEIR life. (like they're telling you about their life). I guess there's not proof of any of this or anything that happens after we die...that's just my thoughts on the subject.

    EDIT...Read "The Search for Bridey Murphy" by Morey Bernstein.

  14. no and there cannot be, it's a pure leap of faith.

  15. No, there is not any evidence for reincarnation.

    Reincarnation, like religion, is part of a belief system that relies on faith.

  16. I think its our memory that makes up our existance completely. If we couldnt remember existing prior to the moment happening right now, we wouldnt be aware of our existance, and therefor, we would NOT exist. And because thats not passed on, Reincarnation does not occur.

    Reincarnation's only purpose is to comfort humans, we fear death by instinct, and whatever way there is out of it we will take. Even if it is just through belief.

  17. some attribute to this belief with the deja vu in which you have been here before or done something before...How many times can a perosn have deja vu in their lifetime to prove re incarnation?

  18. Yes, but since Tunsa beat me to the punch and posted the link to Dr. Ian Stevenson's work at the University of Virginia (the best work to date even endorsed in part by the late Carl Sagan) I have to turn to the paragon of information ( and offer you some popular press books ;)

  19. maybe probably just mental evidence!! people have correctly answered questions about past life's and the description of the people and place have matched up...  usually little kids who are new to the world

  20. Why h**l yeah there is positively reincarnation . Ha vent you read the Bible man. Then just look at all these perfect people that's the devil in many forms

  21. yes there is see kid i am ur great grand father

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