
Is This A Physical Symptom Of Depression???

by Guest61576  |  earlier

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For the past 6 months, i have been feeling really depressed. So much so, that i cry every single day, and the tiniest things set me off. About a few times a day, i'll get these "spells" where i feel as if there are dark clouds looming over my head. I feel dizzyish, but i don't feel sick or nauseous as i would feel if i had the flu or something. I feel almost like a zombie or something. But this feeling is not constant.

Is this a physical syptom of depression? Or could it be something else that is wrong with me?




  1. no. try drinking more water or maybe protien

  2.     * Withdrawal from people, work, pleasures, activities is one of the first signs of depression

        * Spurts of restlessness can be signs of depression

        * Sighing, crying, moaning

        * Difficulty getting out of bed is a sign of depression

        * Lower activity and energy levels

        * Lack of motivation – it's a physical sign of depression when everything feels like an effort

        * Sadness, misery are "obvious" signs of depression

        * Overwhelmed by everyday tasks (eg, cooking dinner)

        * Numbness or apathy can be a sign of depression

        * Anxiety, tension, irritability

        * Helplessness is a sign of depression

        * Low confidence and poor self-esteem are often signs of depression

        * Disappointment, discouragement, hopelessness

        * Feelings of unattractiveness or ugliness can be signs of depression

        * Loss of pleasure and enjoyment are signs of depression

    # nability to make decisions

    # Lack of concentration or focus can be a sign of depression

    # Loss of interest in activities, people, and life

    # Self-criticism, self-blame, self-loathing is often a signs of depression

    # Pessimism can be a sign of depression

    # Preoccupation with problems and failures can be a sign of depressed feelings

    # Thoughts of self-harm or suicide can be signs of depression

        * Fatigue, low energy, exhaustion are often signs of depression

        * Poor sleeping patterns – waking early, not sleeping even when exhausted

        * Loss of appetite or, occasionally, increased appetite can be a physical sign of depression

        * Loss of sexual interest can be a sign of depression

  3. Better go & seek help from your family doctor.

  4. it might be cuz thats how i felt when i was depressed but it also might be that your sick cuz when your sad it makes your immune system go down

  5. ive had those maybe, or something like that.  im pretty sure theyre just in your head (not that that makes it any less real)  i think its related to depression, just a general feeling that everything sucks manifesting itself other than in explicit thought.  maybe you should talk to a therapist.  it really does help.

  6. sounds like depression

  7. There was a time when i was feeling dizzy almost every day. I wasnt eating or sleeping right. I was arguing almost every day with my husband. I was having bad anxiety and panic attacks. It really all depends. They can do all kinds of testing.

  8. That sounds like a very common symptom of Depression,

  9. no its is a physical sign. please talk to your doctor about this and maybe some medication. good luck!

  10. you feel tired all the time

  11. Quite possibly. I suffer from severe depression and am I on zoloft which helps a lot. I think you should definately go talk to a need help.  

  12. Sounds like you definately have depression going on. The 'dark clouds' or 'hazy feeling' is a common feeling for people dealing with depression. I have been exactly there.  I strongly suggest you make an  appt. to speak with your doctor about it. He/she can help you. You can feel good again- go and get it done :)

  13. you an never really be sure. I've been dealing with depression for 3 years and I get that sometimes. I think it most likey is a symptom.

    I also black out a lot.

  14. i suffer from depression and i often feel like this too. My doctor gave me prosac. maybe it will work for you. itt helped me tremendously! good luck!

  15. Yes this is most likely caused by depression.  There are a lot of physical symptoms associated with it, especially if you have anxiety as well.  Are you on any medication?  I think you need to talk to someone about this is you haven't already.  I hope everything gets better for you!

  16. It could be. Depression symptoms can vary.

    For me it was insomnia and feeling that I shouldn't be alive. It also made me dread and hate my job, I've read that guys usually have the job hating symptom.

    You should see your doctor. There is a simple questionnaire that can determine if you have depression and how severe it is.

    Please seek help now, if the suicidal thoughts start up you need all the help you can get to stop them.

  17. it could be but it maybe isn't. I suggest to see a doctor.

  18. It is most likely depression. You should go see your family doctor and ask him/her to prescribe you prozac. Its an antidepressant that also energizes you so you dont feel like a zombie. Good luck!

  19. i think it may be a very small version of bipolar disorder (manic depression) its a disorder when you have mood swings for no reason and sudenly get sevire depression. i have the same problem and it can be hard to deal with but im not gonna tell u seeing a doctor would be the best idea because i dont know. but i think it would be a good idea to find out what it really is, it might become easyer to deal with once you know what the problem is

    x i hope you get it sorted x  

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