
Is This Being A Teacher's Pet???

by  |  earlier

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I go back to school tomorrow, and my teacher knows how to fix my computer. The lcd cbale in the screen is damaged nd i have to hit the screen so it will work and it goes black randomly. He will fix it for free instaed of me paying £135 to get it repaired by a shop. He is a computer teacher so he knows what he's doing. But im thinking know that people in my class will think im a suck up for going to him. Is this being a teachers pet?




  1. No its not at all. You dont want to spend a lot of money wen u can get it fixed for free

  2. i mean hes just fixing ur comp. if u were at his house and all that c**p u would be  a teachers pet  if they do s***w them lol...

  3. i wouldnt say ur bein a teachers pet lol u just wanna get ur puter fixed wivout avin 2 pay loads out!!  

  4. No... you are getting your computer fixed for free aren't you... who cares bout what people think of you... and why do they have to find out?

  5. h**l no.  You can get something done for free, as opposed to having to pay money.  Tell your classmates to grow up and get a life.  Trust me, in a few years, petty things like being a "teachers pet" won't matter at all if it means saving a bit of cash.

  6. No way, that is not being a teachers pet. Teachers are there to help you and you have found in a situation in which you need help. By fixing your computer the teacher is doing his job and you are acting like a normal student. There is nothing wrong with the situation, and it does not make you a teachers pet.

  7. If they think that theres something wrong with getting something for free rather than paying £135, theyre the ones who need to be looked at dear.

  8. Do it in private.

  9. Your one of his students, I think he is just being nice and will do the same for any of his students. I would have done the same.  

  10. i dont think its being teachers pet

    it simply is just getting a better deal

    free is always better then paying

    hope i helped =]

  11. No, he is just doing you a favour and saving you money, if you were running around doing tasks for him then yeah you may be considered a teachers pet but not for asking he to fix your computer.

    if you feel embarrased about approaching him in front of your class mates approach him at recess or lunch or before or after class.

  12. YES DUH

  13. yeah dude

  14. Pft, let me think, spend 135 pounds, or get it done for free. s***w the friends, i know what id choose, i wouldnt say its being teachers bet, id say its being smart

  15. He is the nearest person you know who knows about computers. He sounds like a friendly person. Most teachers will help any student who asks for help. You don't have to have to be a teachers pet to get special priveleges.

  16. for having him fix your computer instead of taking it to a shop? heh. whatever. I would have him fix it, I don't think it is a 'pet' thing to do.

    But then, I live my own life, and don't allow people I do not value as friends, to influence how I live my life. /shrug.

  17. a  tad

  18. No its being SMART, why pay that amount when you could get it free by asking a teacher.

  19. no

  20. probably, but I would say it is worth the 135 pounds.

  21. No I dont think so, he is just helping you out and saving you money, as long as you aren't constantly sucking up to try and get into his good books its fine.

    And who cares what they think, you are just trying to get your computer fixed, aren't you?

  22. nah well a bit do it quietly


  23. He's fixing you computer.. not lving in your house.

  24. It shows that you're being resourceful and saving yourself £135.

  25. no, he's just fixing a computer he's being hjelpful

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