
Is This Blonde Smart After All?

by  |  earlier

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The local sheriff was looking for a deputy, so a blonde went in to try out for the job. "Okay," the sheriff drawled, "what is 1 and 1?" "Eleven," she replied.

The sheriff thought to himself, "That's not what I meant, but she's right." "What two days of the week start with the letter 'T'?"

"Today and tomorrow."

He was again surprised that the blonde supplied a correct answer that he had never thought of himself.

"Now, listen carefully: Who killed Abraham Lincoln?"

The blonde looked a little surprised herself, then thought really hard for a minute and finally admitted, "I don't know."

"Well, why don't you go home and work on that one for a while?"

So, the blonde wandered over to the beauty parlor, where her pals were waiting to hear the results of the interview. The blonde was exultant. "It went great! First day on the job and I'm already working on a murder case!"




  1. I love all these blond jokes! Very funny

  2. funny!!!

  3. LMAO. she's retarded. this joke is good, congrats!

    where'd you get all these hilarious jokes?


  4. hahaha! nice one

  5. very good =)

  6. haha thats funny

  7. Oldie but goodie, well done!

  8. HAHHHAHAHAHA. imagine if she tried to look for a dead man!

  9. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...  Good One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. i never thought about the first two things mentioned before....i love blonde jokes i even added a blonde jokes myspace application to my myspace page.

  11. This is an old one, but really funny none the less...

  12. Hehe. nice!

  13. that was freakin funny man! how did u think of that?

  14. That's brilliant!

  15. nope, she's still a dumb blonde..

  16. good one   :-)

  17. lol thats good :P

  18. funny but no

  19. ha ha ha~~!!!!!

    i felt happy for a moment atleast we got one~~!!!!!!!!! it disappoints to say it all again~~!!!!!lolzzz

  20. thats funny and nope

  21. lol smart to an extent but the hidden dumbness cant be glossed over

  22. Blondes forever.......

    There was this Blonde guy living in a small village who unfortunately had a stomach disorder that required him to drink the milk of a nursing mother. Well there weren't too many women in the village nursing babies and even fewer who would agree to allow a grown man to suck on their breast. But low and behold, the poor man finally found a rather buxom young girl who recently had given birth who was willing to help him out -- for a price. The man was desparate because his condition was growing worse, so he agreed to pay the woman the amount of money she demanded. After all, the woman had a new born baby to care for and the father had abandoned them to their fate.

    The first day was a bit awkward as the man showed up and, with a bit of anxiety and embarrassment, leaned over and began to suck on the woman's breast. Well weeks went by and the awkwardness began to fade.

    One day, the woman realized that the man's sucking was beginning to arouse her sexually. It became almost unbearable and finally, in a sensuous voice, she said, "Is there anything else you'd like?"

    The man paused in his sucking for a moment and looked up at her. "Yeah," he said finally. "Can I have a cookie with my milk?"


  23. Ha funny!

  24. Lol, I like it :P

  25. LOFL

  26. lol funny one :) !!!

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