
Is This Character Too...Generic?

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I am in the middle of writing a novel, and was looking over the basic lists that I put together to create my characters. I was rereading my main character's little list, and I was a bit concerned when I realized that he might be a little...generic. What do you think?

Name: Jaetis Hunter Marcellus / Prince Tristan Simon Julian / Avenger

Age: 16

Appearance: About 5'9" with a mop of neatly-groomed black hair and startling blue eyes along with pale skin. He has a petite frame with long legs and isn't very muscular or athletic-looking.

History: Jaetis was born into a very powerful Nobel Arcanian family. He had a comfortable life being the oldest brother of two younger sisters, with a mother and a father who cared for them all very much. Nine years after his birth, his home was pilaged and destroyed by a chapter of the Avalonian military. His entire family was killed, one of his sisters killed before his eyes. He was taken then by the military general to become the next Heir to the Avalonian throne. He soon discovers that his family was killed due to a grudge against his mother and the Avalonian King; in reality, his true father is King Markus of Avalon, which is why he wanted him as his heir. The King was angry that his mother broke their engagement to marry another man, and because he didn't have an heir, he needed to take Jaetis without argument. In reality, he had tried to take Jaetis away more then five other times, his mother fighitng back and refusing the give up her only son. He soon created the rebellious organzation "Dark X" to plot the overthrow of Avalon.

Persnolaity: He has a quiet, cold demeneor. He is unusually bright for his age and is top of his class at school. He resents the King, and hates to speak of him. He always thinks himself as an Arcanian and not as an Avalonian, wanting to avenge his family's death by creating a rebellion so large it can overthrow the Avalonian army from the inside out. He has a few quirks, though. Like not being able to talk to people without annalyzing every word that they say. He always seems to insult people for his lack of apathy and is constantly lieing about his feelings and is in constant denial about his right to the Avalonian throne.

Dark X Alias: Avenger.

Family: King Markus of Avalon. (Others deceased)

Blood status: Half Arcanian, Half Avalonian




  1. He seems real to me. Very good.  

  2. He seems to be very well developed, but, yes, a little generic.  

    He is the cold, brooding prince who wants to avenge his loved ones.  We've all seen it before and no doubt will again.  BUT it's impossible to completely portray a character in a little summary like this.  You could make it work.  You've obviously spent time on this character, so I won't say you necessarily need to change him just because he's familiar at a glance.  You could make that work for you by makign him seem generic at first and then revealing greater depth to his character as the story goes.  Or something...

    I would rethink the name Avenger though.  I know it fits perfectly, but it's more overused than the dark prince, but without the wiggle room you have in characterization.

  3. I don't think so! I'm not a professional writer or anything, so maybe I'm not one to judge, but it sounds very... human? Realistic? I think that as long as authors put enough thought into their characters and how the characters minds work then they'll work out well.

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