
Is This Correct or Wrong?

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I may be wrong and do correct me. But Micheal Angelo Once Said "For most of us, it's our aims too low and we hit it, than our aims too high and we miss it"? Is he right in saying this? If so why?




  1. Michelangelo was right, arguably. if you normally get 70s and try for an 80, there's a good chance you'll get it. if you try for an 100, even if you get it you probably won't be able to keep it up. set small goals and you'll be more likely to achieve them

  2. I think that Micheal Angelo was not so much correct in his assertions, but correct in his assumptions. I mean this in the sense that, despite the fact that his analysis of human nature (that our efficiency in life is only hampered by our own "perceived limitations") is 'correct', he is 'wrong' in assuming that this is a law of the universe as opposed to being a recurring theory.

    An example to rebut Michael Angelo's theory, would be contrasting educational systems. In Canada and the United States, we have high illiteracy rates and students drop out left, right and center. Meanwhile in Asian cultures, ambition is highly prized and promoted. Asian peoples also far outweigh North American's in sheer numbers. Therefore, if we apply Michael Angelo's theory, the majority should reject major ambition in it's entirety.

    Thusly Michael Angelo's model, while theoretically sound when you observe Western culture, is not conducive with the world as a whole.

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